Friday, June 3, 2022

Table of Contents for this Election Circus Blog today, June 3, 2022

Please click on the (blue) title below to read the article: 

New posts on my ECONOMIC LOGIC blog and CLIMATE SCIENCE blog today (June 2, 2022)


High omega-3 in the blood may be linked to lower coronavirus mortality


Any Lessons Learned From The Wrong Authoritarian Pandemic Policies?


Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Relives Horrific Story, Living With Biden 'So Much Worse Than I Could Have Imagined


"Devastating impact" warning as India moves toward halting RICE exports, leading to global mass starvation


Canadian Researchers Find Carbon Nanotech and Thulium in Moderna and Pfizer Covid Injections


Biden's Radical Gun Grab Would Destroy US Gun Ownership


Biden gives desperate national tv address, uses mass shootings to try and save Democrats in November


Poll: 53% of Republicans believe US headed towards civil war, 44% of young male Democrats approve assassinating a 'politician who is harming our country or democracy'


Is This How They Stole Arizona in the 2020 Election? 


A Look At State Laws That Will Govern Abortion If Roe v Wade Is Overturned


"Experts" and The White House Are Purposefully Exaggerating the Risks of COVID to Kids


Healthy skepticism appropriate when considering monkeypox, says Dr. Peter McCullough


German Pathologist Who Said 30-40% of Post-Vaccine Autopsies Died of the Vaccine Went Silent and Suddenly Stopped Carrying Out Autopsies


How the Democrats Defraud Black America


Swimmer ‘Lia’ Thomas Is a Con Man 


TIME: America needs to end its love affair with single-family homes


Conservative memes to start the day in a good mood


Table of Contents for this Election Circus Blog today, June 2, 2022