"If you were luck enough to catch the Smithsonian Museum’s exhibit on “whiteness and white culture,” you’d know that two things that are associated with whiteness are the nuclear family and the single-family home. It’s one of the reasons Black Lives Matter put “disrupting the nuclear family” in its mission statement. White people do this thing where they get married, have children, and move to the suburbs. We’ve been assured that single-family homes, and front lawns, are racist:
TIME magazine is now telling us that America has to get over its love affair with single-family houses, but it’s a tough sell:
America needs to end its love affair with single-family homes. One town is discovering it’s a tough sell
— TIME (@TIME) June 2, 2022
What would you do with 536 acres of free land to develop housing in a gorgeous mountain town? Probably build picturesque ranch homes with stunning vistas and ample yards?
Jason Peasley wants to build apartments on that land. Here's why:
— TIME (@TIME) June 2, 2022
The American Dream has always meant owning more space—a single-family home, plenty of land. We moved west for centuries to find it.
Now the West is drawing even more transplants and home prices are sky-high
— TIME (@TIME) June 2, 2022
“The disconnect we’re having is that everyone wants the American dream—a single-family home—and economists tell us it’s not possible,” says Peasley, head of the Yampa Valley Housing Authority in Steamboat Springs, Colo.
Affordability and density go hand-in-hand
— TIME (@TIME) June 2, 2022
Peasley is fighting a steep uphill battle to convince Steamboat residents that, if they don't want to be forced out by high home costs, they'll accept apartment buildings on their skyline.
Read more about how he's doing it:
— TIME (@TIME) June 2, 2022
Alana Semuels reports from Steamboat Springs, Colorado:
The families committed to staying are crowding into housing as they wait for a solution. About one-quarter of all children now live in “doubled-up” households, where a nuclear family lives with additional family members. In places like Steamboat, doubled-up households are often in the smallest homes, which are trailers in the town’s handful of trailer parks. In doubled-up households, the use of drugs and alcohol rises, as does domestic violence, because the situation is so stressful, says Irene Avitia, who works with families at Integrated Communities, a Steamboat nonprofit that works with the Latino community.
My house payment is $400 less than my friend's apartment rent. I have 3 bedrooms & a garage. I cannot even imagine living in a box. My love affair will continue til they carry me out.
— Sneakers1957 (@sneakers1957) June 2, 2022
Not everyone likes living crammed upside the person next to them. Some of us like our privacy and space. America doesn’t need to do anything. Single family homes are the American Dream for a reason. Did a 2 yr old write this?
— Courtney Galina ⚡️ (@MuseMelodic) June 2, 2022
Yeah I want the constant noise, rude neighbors, and if I'm SUPER lucky, the crazy guy 3 doors down accidentally burns our building down after he falls asleep with a lit cigarette.
OR I can just buy a single family home… for less money per month.
— Longscope (@LongscopeTV) June 2, 2022
I’d take all that land and build a single family home.
— Dana Lane (@DanaLaneSports) June 2, 2022
I’d live in a city if I wanted that lifestyle.
— Jennifer 🥂 (@jgarone) June 2, 2022
How about no. I am a dog person, they need a yard. I also enjoy having friends/family over for get togethers, and you need room for gatherings. Kids need yards to play in. Plus, I just simply want the privacy and quiet that comes with a single-family home. So suck it.
— Kat (@pjgirl74) June 2, 2022
It's not tough ignoring what @time decrees we "need" to do though
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) June 2, 202
They want your SUV, they want your truck, they want your house."