"The Biden administration has an abusive relationship with the American people. Every day we are exposed to more lies, gaslighting, reckless spending, and cover-ups.
Like father, like son. Hunter Biden once had a very similar dynamic going on with his now ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle.
On June 14, Buhle is releasing “If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing,” a tell-all book about the sordid details of her life with Hunter.
Divorce is a painful experience. It must have been even tougher with a notorious and troubled spouse from a powerful family. People magazine reported sympathetically on Buhle’s book in an article published Wednesday, describing it as both “dignified and revealing.”
In excerpts published by People, Buhle, now 53, presented herself as a working-class kid swept off her feet by a privileged suitor while they were both in their 20s (Hunter is now 52). The couple wed in 1993, and had three daughters during their 24-year marriage.
Even early on, there were signs of Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. Buhle admitted in the excerpts, “I worried that we lived above our means, but I did nothing to change it.”
There is an ongoing investigation into Biden’s finances. In the excerpts, Buhle is careful not to implicate herself: “I kept my head so deeply buried in the sand on our finances.”
Buhle looked on as Biden’s behavior began to deteriorate.
She described an awkward breakfast encounter while friends were visiting. “I was making pancakes as I watched him pull a bottle of Jack Daniel’s out of the cabinet. ‘Hunter! What are you doing?’ I said. ‘It’s 10 a.m.!'” By 2012 Biden was in rehab after manic and drunken behavior.
Rehab did not reform Biden. After his brother, Beau Biden, died of brain cancer in 2015, Hunter’s shifty behavior increased.
By the summer, People noted, Biden confessed to Buhle that he patronized prostitutes during business trips. After Buhle found Biden’s crack pipe in an ashtray, she made him move out, but still tried to keep him sober.
Buhle wrote that she stalked Biden with phone calls, texts, and online snooping. She described her surveillance as being as addictive and secretive as Biden’s drinking, drugging, and cheating.
Biden left a trail of incriminating evidence in his wake.
Buhle wrote that she saw “charges at Lake Tahoe at a nail salon and a charge for two lift tickets. I found a credit card charge for $10,000 at a hot tub store in Los Angeles. I found hundreds at liquor stores and strip clubs. The whole time, he told me he was healthy and sober — and I was crazy.”
Another devastating revelation came in 2016 from her own daughter Finnegan, who met with Buhle at the home of the family’s therapist. Biden was having an affair with Hallie Biden, the wife of his deceased brother, the therapist said.
“I could see Finnegan’s face relaxing now that the secret was out and I hadn’t fallen apart,” Buhle wrote in the excerpts. “If anything, I felt a strange vindication. Not only had I not been crazy, but it was so much worse than I could have imagined. I was shocked, but not heartbroken.”
It recently came out Hunter Biden searched for “lonely widow” content on adult websites. Pornography was another one of his addictions.
Hunter Biden and Buhle divorced in 2017. Buhle reclaimed her maiden name.
“Biden was my name. I’d taken it so we could be a family. It was my daughters’ name, after all. In many ways, my last name became a crown and shield to me,” she wrote, “it wasn’t easy to consider giving it up.”
Hunter Biden also used the family name as a crown and shield. It made him lots of money while working with America’s adversaries. Buhle’s book shows a behind-the-scenes look at the character of the “smartest guy” Joe Biden knows.
Buhle took a big step to divorce her erratic, destructive spouse.
If only the United States could get divorced from his erratic, destructive dad."