Friday, June 3, 2022

Biden's Radical Gun Grab Would Destroy US Gun Ownership


"In his speech today, Joe Biden called for lawmakers to basically destroy gun ownership in the United States. He exploited the deaths in Uvalde to push his radical gun grab. There was no sign of compassion for the lost lives. He only cares about ideology and politics. Today was theater.

Joe Biden has a plan to infringe on the Second Amendment in every way possible. His worst proposal is to repeal gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability. Translated, that means anyone can sue a manufacturer if someone uses their gun to kill or harm someone. It’s no different than suing Ford for someone using one of their cars to ram someone with one of their vehicles.


He spread the usual lies and feigned the usual concern. Biden’s the same evil, corrupt person he was when he was ushered into the Senate by segregationists.

What a liar:

Biden said he would come for American’s guns.