Friday, April 8, 2022

Washington Post and New York Time Ignore Biden Family's Payment Mechanism Detailed by Hunter


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor

"The establishment media has reported on Hunter Biden’s $4.8 million received in payments from a Chinese energy company, but not the alleged payout mechanism by which the Biden family likely profited from peddling influence.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted his daughter, Naomi, in 2019, the New York Post reported in 2021.

“It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary,” the text string continued as reported.

    Hunter Biden profited $4.8 million in retainer and consulting fees from a Chinese energy company after 2017, the Washington Post on Tuesday admitted.

Hunter’s reported texts indicate Joe Biden received 50 percent of his relative’s “salary” for a 30-year period. The reported texts do not reveal when the 30 years began or ended and whether Joe Biden is still a part of the payment scheme as president.

The establishment media has ignored the reported string of Hunter’s text messages. Nowhere in the New York Times’s report in March about its authentication of Hunter’s laptop were the text messages mentioned.

... The Washington Post, which also authenticated the laptop in March and acknowledged Hunter profited $4.8 million in retainer and consulting fees from a Chinese energy company throughout 2017 and 2018, likewise did not mention the string of text messages.

Instead, the Post seemed to clear the president of any wrongdoing by suggesting its authentication of Hunter’s laptop showed no evidence that Biden benefited from the payment scheme as Hunter’s texts allege.

... the reported texts could connect the current president of the United States to the family’s corrupt business dealings. The Team Biden liars are "confident" that the corrupt Biden family didn't break the law as it bagged millions in foreign crony cash.

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley believes a special counsel should be appointed to probe Hunter’s corruption, because Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by Hunter and may have influenced the ongoing investigation.