Friday, April 8, 2022

It's Biden and Obama Day at the blog today -- 12 short articles on those two rascals

I had 16 articles on the Biden Crime Family and Obama in my files. 12 of the 16 article had some important points to make, and they are here, as edited short versions of the original articles. 

Obama was in the White House recently where he treated Joe Biden like he was a piece of furniture. And maybe that's just being realistic.

We know that after 1.5 years of brazen censorship, the leftist-biased media has suddenly discovered Hunter Biden's laptop exists, and tells a story of very profitable influence peddling.  We also know they are ignoring good evidence that Joe Biden got a piece of the action.

There is absolutely no doubt Joe Biden was the most corrupt Vice President in US history with his family (son, brother and brother in law) collecting the spoils.  Tens of millions of dollars. He is actually on video bragging about a quid pro quo intimidation of the Ukraine president in 2015.

So why is Hunter Biden in the news again, when his laptop computer was censored before the 2020 election, and almost certainly changed the results of that election?

The obvious answer is that the leftist-biased media is getting in front of a story they expect to come from the Hunter Biden grand jury soon, most likely concerning tax evasion and money laundering. 

When that story comes out, which they must have good reason to expect, they don't want additional criticism about censoring the Hunter laptop story before the 2020 election. 

The next effort by the leftist-biased media will be to distance Hunter Biden from Joe Biden. Because the leftist-biased media will never voluntarily do anything to harm the Democrat Party. They are ONLY talking about Hunter Biden in a limited way, to better defend Joe Biden. Distancing Joe Biden from the family bag men (who enriched him with millions of dollars). Of course Joe Biden got a piece of the action!