Friday, April 8, 2022

Hunter Biden grand jury witness was asked about deal with Chinese firm – and ‘the big guy’, by Miranda Devine


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor

"A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was asked to identify the “big guy” in the first son’s planned deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate — as calls ramped up to have President Biden included in a conspiracy probe.

... A bombshell email exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 showed that one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, James Gilliar, outlined the proposed percentage distribution of equity in a company created for a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co.

The March 13, 2017, plan included “10 held by H for the big guy?”
A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was reportedly asked about the "big guy" in the emails about Hunter's Chinese business deals.

A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was reportedly asked about the “big guy” in the emails about Hunter’s Chinese business deals.

Another former Hunter Biden partner, US Navy veteran Tony Bobulinski, later revealed that “the big guy” was Hunter’s dad, then the Democratic candidate for president, saying, “I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false.”

In the wake of last week’s report by the Washington Post — which confirmed $4.8 million in payments from CEFC to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden during 2017 and 2018 — the White House on Sunday attempted to distance the president from his under-scrutiny kin.

... Bobulinski’s confirmation that President Biden was “the big guy” in a proposed 2017 deal with CEFC China Energy could be considered evidence “that other family members were involved.”

“Conspiracy is a standalone crime in our country, and you’ve certainly got enough to present to the grand jury that there’s a conspiracy among Joe, [brother] James and Hunter to bring in money, to not declare that money, to not pay taxes on that money,” he said.

“And to do so from a country like China, it’s not just red flags — there are potential crimes being committed.”

Tolman, who now runs the “Right on Crime” project of the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation think tank, also said that “depending on the nature and scope” of the case, there could be legal “predicates” for racketeering charges.

... “When you see millions of dollars pouring into the hands of a reckless and unskilled man, you have to at least ask the question of ‘What did these foreign governments receive for these payments?’”

Trusty noted that “it’s not like there is an identifiable product being sold to Russian oligarchs or provided to Burisma,” the Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden as much as $83,000 a month to sit on its board.

... An email from Hunter Biden’s business partner found in his laptop asked “10 held by H for the big guy?” while discussing a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co.

Former FBI agent Steve Gray, a Republican candidate for Congress from New Jersey, said, “It’s extremely apparent that Joe Biden is ‘the big guy,’ and I don’t think anyone looking at this seriously and objectively doubts that at all.

But look, even if somehow ‘the big guy’ did not refer to Joe Biden, there would still be a serious national security problem,” he said. “We must consider both Joe and Hunter Biden compromised by the Chinese government.”

... Gray also said Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates: “The only reason they gave Hunter Biden the time of day is because of the influence and information they could gain from his family connections. They’re seeking leverage and intelligence.”

During a campaign appearance in Iowa in September 2019, Joe Biden said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

But about two months earlier, the New Yorker magazine published a profile of Hunter Biden based on a series of interviews in which he acknowledged talking once to his father about his job with Burisma.  “Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,'” he recalled.

... CEFC China Energy was headed by Ye Jianming, who was named No. 2 on the Forbes “40 Under 40” list in 2016 but two years later was taken into custody by Chinese authorities amid allegations of economic crimes, shortly before a CEFC subsidiary defaulted on more than $325 million in bond payments. 

He hasn’t been seen since and many of the now-bankrupt company’s assets were seized by the Chinese government."