Friday, April 8, 2022

The Spying on Candidate Trump Scandal That Obama Still Won’t Acknowledge


Ye Editor's Carefully Selected Quotes:

"Barack Obama has long bragged ( lied  Ye Editor) about his supposedly scandal-free presidency, a claim that conveniently ignores a host of ethical problems, from Hunter Biden profiting off access to Obama’s White House to the IRS harassing conservative activists.

But the biggest scandal of Obama’s presidency is still coming into focus: his administration’s spying on a political opponent, Donald Trump, based on nothing more than a dirty trick deployed by Obama’s former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

    The collusion in the 2016 election was not between Trump and Russia but between Hillary and the United States government under Obama.

... he presided over the most significant one in recent memory: an utterly bogus investigation that hobbled Trump’s campaign and presidency. Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, had informed him by at least July of 2016 that Hillary was pushing a Trump-Russia collusion claim. Obama could have instructed his agencies to steer clear of this nonsense. But he didn’t.

John Durham, the Justice Department special counsel who is examining this debacle, has shown in his filings the ease with which Hillary got friends in the Obama administration to investigate Trump. Christopher Steele, her chief opposition researcher, was peddling the Trump-Russia hoax across the Obama administration in the months before the election."

... Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who vowed to “stop” Trump, says that none of this scheming made any difference in the outcome of the election. But that wasn’t for lack of trying. 

A few weeks before election day, John Brennan deliberately leaked information about the FBI’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion to Senator Harry Reid. ...

... Obama, engaged in an endless post-presidential victory lap, affects an above-the-fray persona about it all, as if he led a singularly clean and uniquely dutiful administration. Joe Biden has, of course, joined him in this babble — “Know what I am most proud of? 

For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal” — but fewer and fewer Americans believe this lie as the findings about Spygate trickle out."