Friday, April 8, 2022

Barack Obama Mentions Himself 33 Times in White House Speech


Ye Editor's Carefully Selected Quotes:

"Barack Obama used the words “I,” “I’m,” “me,” and “my” 33 times, according to a TVEyes transcription software search of MSNBC.

More specifically, Obama used the word “I” 20 times while he spoke next to Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Obama reportedly has not visited the White House in five years. Obama was president from 2008 to 2016. During his tenure, American become more polarized, though he campaigned on unity.

After the event was over, a crowd surrounded Obama while Biden appeared to wander around looking for someone or for something to do.

The content of Obama’s speech was focused on the controversial passage of the Affordable Care Act, dubbed “Obamacare.”