Friday, April 8, 2022

Obama's bloodless coup at the White House showed that Biden is irrelevant


Carefully Selected Quotes:
by Ye Editor

... "have you ever watched any politician, or ex-president, no less, more narcissistic than Obama's televised bloodless coup at the White House?  

Clearly, the overthrow was devised, written, directed, and implemented by the former president.  His sycophants couldn't betray and abandon President Biden fast enough.

... Joe Biden is a fairly mean girl himself.  
And one covered in lies and corruption.  
But Obama accomplished the impossible.  
He created sympathy for Biden.

... There was Obama — the true mean girl
— and Harris, the tittering girl
who only wanted the prom king.

Obama's ugly display of contempt
at the White House is uncharted territory.  

Who knows what the Democrats are plotting?

If our country doesn't drastically
change course in November,
it will become unrecognizable.