Friday, April 8, 2022

Hunter Biden sought to cash in on oligarchs during first Russian war on Ukraine, records show


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor 

... "President Joe Biden's son and his associates targeted Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina — who eventually was sanctioned by the U.S. a few years later in 2018 — for as much as $200 million after helping her get a bank account set up in America, the emails show.

Hunter Biden and his associates even arranged for Baturina and her husband, an ex-Moscow mayor, to meet with then-Vice President Joe Biden at an intimate dinner in Washington in 2015.

At the same time he and his team courted Baturina, Hunter Biden was securing lucrative board positions and consulting deals with Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, a man whose company, Burisma Holdings, the United States and Great Britain wanted investigated for corruption.

... "Just spent two hours on the phone with Kiev. I am confident at this point that this is a good if not life changing deal if the Uk [Ukraine] doesn't collapse in the meantime," now-convicted (of unrelatred financial fraud  Ye editor) Biden business partner Devon Archer wrote Hunter Biden in one particularly candid assessment of their strategy in mid-April 2014.

Eventually, another of Hunter Biden's convicted business associates, John Galanis, would declare in a sworn affidavit to a federal court that he and his son Jason became aware of a strategy by Hunter Biden-related companies of promising oligarchs "quid pro quo" access to Washington in return for their dollars.

... The Galanis father-son team and Archer have all been convicted in a fraud scheme that fleeced a Native American Indian tribe. Hunter Biden was not charged in that case.

... records gleaned from the Archer-Galanis trial and a Hunter Biden laptop the FBI seized from a Delaware computer shop in 2019 make clear Hunter Biden and his associates directly sought business with both Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.

And they did so during one of the most turbulent times in recent Eastern European history, starting with Ukraine's Euromaidan revolution followed by Russia's invasion of Crimea.

... Baturina entered Biden world no later than November 2013, when Jason Galanis and another convicted Biden business partner, Bevan Cooney, accessed the Russian oligarch's Wikipedia page, according to an exclusive search of Bevan Cooney's emails by Peter Schweizer of the Government Accountability Institute.

Less than three weeks later (and just days before thousands of protestors gathered in Kyiv for what became known as the Euromaidan protests that ultimately ousted Russia-friendly Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych), Archer emailed Jason Galanis and Cooney: "Yelena meeting here in NYC on Burnham."

"She's so rich she has Burnham money stuck in her sofa," Galanis replied, emails previously reported by Just the News show. "Good luck Archie. Remember....if you have to sleep with her, do it for the team."

As the Euromaidan protests raged through January 2014, Biden's partners struggled to secure U.S. bank approval for the Russian oligarch — a challenging task given that Baturina was on a bank's financial transaction "watch list," according to the emails.

... Archer informed his associates that, while she had been approved, Baturina would be on J.P. Morgan's watchlist "because there are so many threats of lawsuits — but the fact that there have been no convictions etc., they have approved her."

... On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC (an entity linked to Hunter Biden',s Rosemont Seneca empire), according to a U.S. Senate report. One week later, Yanukovych fled Ukraine and the country plunged further into chaos.

The same month that Baturina got U.S. bank account approval and wired the $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, then-Vice President Joe Biden was named Obama's "point man" to deal with the chaos in Ukraine.

By late-summer 2014, Baturina had invested more than $200 million in Archer's various funds, according to board meeting minutes filed during Archer's fraud trial.

With Joe Biden handling U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine, Hunter Biden and his business partners exploited the opportunity. "With Yelena in my now [sic]," Archer wrote to Hunter Biden on March 13, 2014. At that very moment, Russia — having already fully invaded Crimea — was amassing troops and armored vehicles in at least three more regions in eastern Ukraine: Belgorod, Kursk, and Rostov. And while the Ukrainian government was requesting lethal assistance from the U.S., the Obama-Biden administration "deferred" the request.

... Burisma funneled the first of many twin monthly payments of $83,333.33 to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, some of which were then distributed to Hunter Biden's and Devon Archer's personal accounts.

That very same day, Devon Archer met with Vice President Joe Biden at the White House, according to the Secret Service's official WAVES entry logs. "Between May 15, 2014 and Feb. 12, 2016, Burisma sent another 48 wires to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, totaling $3,489,490.78," according to Senate investigators.

... As the Burisma payments flowed to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, the two men discussed arranging to get their Russian and Ukrainian business partners some face time with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

... In January 2018, the Trump administration sanctioned more than 100 Russian state-run company CEOS and Russian oligarchs for having close ties to Putin. Elena Baturina was number 12 on the list of oligarchs, just behind Alfa Bank founder Petr Aven. 

And when President Trump tried to get to the bottom of the Biden Burisma scheme, the Democrats impeached him."