Friday, April 8, 2022

All of Big Guy Joe Biden's Bag Men are Family Members


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor

... “The least wealthy [Obama] administration figure is Vice President Joe Biden,” CBS News reported in 2009, “whose net worth is estimated at just $27,012.” Times change, and so did Middle Class Joe’s net worth, which now hovers around $8 million, according to Forbes.

... We know from the emails contained on the computer of Hunter Biden, the Pablo Picasso of the family, that he paid his father’s phone bills and allowed his father access to his Wells Fargo account for over a decade. His business partner bankrolled thousands of dollars in construction at Biden’s Delaware home.

Biden, Inc., grabbed at least $31 million from the Chinese. The feds arrested one of the shady figures paying seven figures to Hunter Biden, Hong Kong businessman Patrick Ho, for money laundering and bribery in an unrelated case (Ho was convicted and served time).

One group with ties to the Chinese Communist Party gave $65,000 a month to the president’s brother, James, atop $100,000 a month and a $500,000 retainer to Hunter. Biden’s son, boasting experience with crack pipes but not oil pipelines, somehow made $1 million a year from Burisma in Ukraine.

“It’s really hard,” Naomi Biden wrote to her father, Hunter, about the burdens of him serving as the clan’s breadwinner. “But don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Spiro Agnew fell for taking 5 percent. Joe Biden snatching 50 percent, and not from petty government construction projects but allegedly for matters of geopolitical concern in China, Ukraine, and beyond would make Agnew look like a piker.

... The analysis of this corruption scandal, even from the conservative press, fixates on the halfway clever use of family members to hold the loot as though this technicality makes it merely unethical rather than illegal. As one email infamously put it: “10 held by H for the big guy?”

But such dealings — strange how “emoluments clause” disappeared from the political vernacular about as fast as it appeared — do not require a change in law to prosecute.

A bag man, even if a member of your family, is still a bag man."