Friday, April 8, 2022

Biden’s Crisis of Too ManyCrises, by Newt Gingrich


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor

... "Inflation is out of control and about to get worse. The Biden administration’s spending policies are driving inflationary pressure as the Federal Reserve plans to expand an already bloated money supply to accommodate the left’s insatiable need for more cash.

... Biden’s declaration that Putin should be tried as a war criminal feels good but is incredibly dangerous. Putin has more than 5,000 nuclear weapons, and he is adjusting the Russian economy to survive the sanctions.

... Biden’s shallow dishonesty is further exposed by American reliance on Russia to get to a deal with Iran. The theocratic dictatorship will not deal directly with America, so our negotiations are handled through the Russian ambassador.

... Biden and the West continue to drag their feet on effective military aid to Ukraine. ... Ukrainians die every day while American bureaucrats and politicians fail to get them the help they deserve.
Disney, like many large corporations, is woke at home while kowtowing to the Chinese and other dictators. The profit-over-patriotism cycle in the big corporations will presently lead to a massive popular repudiation. ...

Biden is radically pro-transgender at the expense of women’s rights and is destroying Title IX protections for women in sports.

 ...   Democratic cities and George Soros funded district attorneys continue to lead to rising crime. So, Biden nominates a Supreme Court Justice who gives light sentences to convicted pedophiles. Democrats increasingly favor the criminal over the victim and the law breaker over the law enforcer.

The southern border is a disaster. The Biden administration policy is to allow the maximum number of people to illegally enter the United States. ...

President Biden clearly has cognitive challenges. Vice President Kamala Harris is clearly cognitively hopeless (and may be the dumbest person every elected vice president).

... The current White House team is utterly incapable of managing this many simultaneous challenges."