Friday, April 8, 2022

The Legacy Media Still Deny Hunter Biden's Laptop Content Connects to Joe Biden


Carefully  Selected  Quotes
by Ye Editor 

"In the last two weeks, the New York Times, CNN, and the Washington Post all came forward to admit that the Hunter Biden hard drive — which I originally reported a year and a half ago in the lead-up to the 2020 election 

and saw those outlets dismiss and smear the stories as “baroque mythology,” “made up,” “Soviet tradecraft,” and “disparaging Biden” — was authentic.

However, despite initial admissions, the media are now stopping short of acknowledging the reporting on the information the hard drive contained — namely, that Joe Biden was a direct beneficiary of Hunter’s deals.

... the legacy media have still not come around to the truth, and are still firmly set in their roles as Democratic Party PR agents, by creating a distinction between the authenticity of the hard-drive and its contents.

Many others in right-wing media understood the admissions from the Times, CNN, and the Washington Post as tacitly conceding that they were wrong in their reporting over a year ago, and that they were now doing an about-face. 

But it is clear that the activists and liars who make up our journalism industry are still way off from reckoning with their ways and continue to parse words in purposely misleading their audience."