Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sleazy Michael Cohen deserves prison -- he was working hard to cleanse his image for a future book deal !

I listened to Cohen's 
entire opening remarks.

In spite of the fact 
that he read them 
from papers, meaning 
someone else wrote them.

Amazing that the
Congressional Dumbocrats 
started their Trump investigations 
with someone going to prison
in two months for lying to Congress 
and for several financial felonies 
that earned him three years in prison !

The following Cohen quotes, more ridiculous than anything AOC ever said, so far, and she says many ridiculous things, are "classics":

“I have lied, 
but I am not a liar,” 
said Cohen.

“I have done bad things, 
but I am not a bad man,” 
he assured Congress.

If you lie, Cohen, 
then you ARE a liar !

If you do bad things Cohen,
then you ARE a bad man !

I stopped believing 
everything Cohen said 
after those two
ridiculous claims.

He was obviously bitter after
getting passed up for Trump's
Chief of Staff, or any other 
high level job in the Trump
Administration, which he 
blatantly lied about under oath !

If Trump was as bad as claimed,
why would Cohen work for him 
ten years and then spend the next
two years defending him !

Cohen was a rich man when 
he cheated on his taxes --
the worst kind of tax cheat --
I hope he rots in jail for 
at least the full three years !