Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Two Cents: Ye Editor summarizes COVID articles so far.

I have published so many articles on COVID and COVID vaccines that one reader finally asked:  What do you think?   Here's my answer:

Most important: Long term adverse side effects of COVID vaccines are unknown. 

They could take years to discover. 

If you take two shots, that's a risk, both short term and long term. 

Additional booster shots every six to nine months are likely to increase the long term risks. 

Based on data available so far, you could be asked to take COVID shots every six months.  

As I said last year, COVID will mutate, hopefully into less deadly variants, and the vaccines will be much less than 95% effective against the variants.  

The typical flu vaccine in the past was 40% to 60% effective, but with far fewer adverse side effects.

In my opinion, the call for booster shots is proof the vaccines are failing to deliver the protection they promised. 

Meanwhile they are certainly delivering unprecedented adverse short term side effects, and unknown long term side effects.

An experimental medicine that tricks the body into manufacturing spike proteins, used on people without any animal testing first, is risky.

 mRNA vaccine experiments in the past have been test animal killers ... so the fact that animal testing was skipped for the Covid vaccines is suspicious.

The standard process for developing new vaccines takes five to 15 years.

No explanation was given for the radical methodology change for Covid vaccines, using a nine month process, no animal testing, and only two months of human testing, before their emergency release. 

Developing a new vaccine in nine months has led to unprecedented short-term adverse side effects, much faster than expected deterioration of Covid protection, and mediocre protection against Covid variants. 

By no logical definition is that a "winner".

Remember that the worst virus in history, the 1918 to 1920 flu, had two large "death spikes", and then mutated into a milder virus. 

That happened with no vaccine or flu medicines. 

The same pattern is possible with COVID. 

We already know the COVID mutations so far in 2021 are not as deadly as the COVID in Spring 2020. 

The real test for the COVID vaccines will be in the Fall, when people spend more time indoors. 

Flu has always been a very seasonal disease, spreading much faster when the weather is cold, causing people to spend more time indoors.  

Deaths in Summer 2020 declined a lot from Spring 2020, with no vaccines.  

That seasonal pattern happened this Summer too.

Ye Editor