Saturday, May 7, 2022

8 Mistakes That Keep Even Smart People Masked


6.) Trusting the wrong people
Many masked men believe the news media. The news media was once deserving of the term “Fourth Estate,” for they were an independent entity, separate from the established interests in society. Not here. Not now. They are mere shills for the status quo. Anyone who told you to mask up deserves for you to never listen to them again. Others were wise enough to at least not believe the media. But they did even worse in a way — they believed their bosses, their family members, their neighbors, and their doctors who fell for this, precisely because they believed the media, all the while assuring you that they followed “the science.” Not only were you gullible enough for them to lie to you, but you were so errant in your ways as to not ask them for the alleged proof of science they assured you they were following. If you would have, you would never have worn a mask. There is simply no legitimate science backing up any masking policy."