Monday, April 11, 2022

The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data, by Alex Berenson


Carefully  Selected  Paragraphs,
by Ye Editor

... Since last fall, and especially since the Omicron variant hit, the (UK) reports have presented an increasingly dismal picture of vaccine efficacy. Last week’s report showed that in March, nearly 90 percent of adults hospitalized for Covid were vaccinated. And OVER 90 percent of deaths were in the vaccinated.

The importance of these reports is hard to overstate.They were the single best source of raw data about how well the Covid vaccines were or were not working anywhere in the world. It was a long-running sequential series with clearly defined rules from a large country with high vaccine coverage.

... The British government is offering the nonsensical excuse that it can no longer provide the figures because it has ended free universal testing for Covid: Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published.

The British government is lying. ... "

hiding the numbers won’t make
the vaccines work better. ... "