Monday, April 11, 2022

Record breaking wave of Covid-19 across Australia sees deaths 1700% higher than the start of the Pandemic; & the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 of them


Carefully  Selected  Paragraphs,
by Ye Editor

"Australia is currently recording a 7 day average of 72 Covid-19 deaths every day. But during the first wave of Covid-19 to hit the country back in March 2020, the 7 day average equated to no more than 4 deaths per day.

Meanwhile official New South Wales Government figures shows that throughout the whole of March 2022, the vaccinated population accounted for over 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.

So why is it that the 7 day average number of Covid-19 deaths is currently 18 times higher two years on from the beginning of the pandemic?

And why is it that according to official Government figures, the vaccinated population account for 84% of the record breaking number of Covid-19 deaths in Australia? ... "

Back in March 2020 there was no natural immunity, a Covid-19 vaccine did not exist, and the alleged original strain of Covid-19 caused much more severe disease.

But fast forward to March 2022, and we know that some natural immunity exists, and we certainly know that there is now a Covid-19 vaccine because of the discrimination and propaganda associated with it. We also know that the Omicron variant is now dominant and is supposed to cause disease no more severe than the common cold.

So why is the number of Covid-19 deaths occurring in Australia currently at an all time high? ... "