Monday, March 28, 2022

US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion to Promote Covid Vaccines, by Dr. Joseph Mercola


Carefully Selected Quotes  
Ye Editor

"The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released information to TheBlaze in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The information showed that the federal government had purchased advertising to the tune of $1 billion taxpayer dollars as part of a media campaign to build vaccine confidence.

HHS2 has billed the campaign as a “national initiative to increase public confidence in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing.”

Data don’t support these measures, but the media campaign was likely hiding something more sinister.

Within the documents sent from HHS, TheBlaze3 found that hundreds of organizations in the news media were paid to produce TV, print, radio and social media advertising timed to coincide with an increasing availability of the genetic therapy shots.

The government also collaborated with social media influencers whose audience included “communities hit hard by COVID-19” and also engaged “experts” to be interviewed and promote the mass vaccination campaign in the news.

One of those experts was the director of NIAID and chief medical adviser to the White House, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

In other words Fauci ...  was, in fact, a shill.

... It’s not hard to imagine that a large news organization promoting vaccinations through their advertising department would not look kindly on editorial staff who choose to report facts that do not align with large sums of money spent by advertisers.

You can guess what the editorial staff may be told to write.

... The U.S. government is not the only entity to recognize the power behind controlling the news media.

Bill Gates is another.

Using more than 30,000 grants, Gates has contributed at least $319 million to the media, which senior staff writer for MintPress News Alan McLeod revealed.

...  “Today, it is possible for an individual to train as a reporter thanks to a Gates Foundation grant, find work at a Gates-funded outlet, and to belong to a press association funded by Gates.

This is especially true of journalists working in the fields of health, education and global development, the ones Gates himself is most active in and where scrutiny of the billionaire’s actions and motives are most necessary.”

... This government overreach into the Fourth Estate is not unique to the U.S.

Facts Reveal Reason Government Is Paying News Media

... All-cause mortality and death rates are difficult statistics to change. People are either dead or they’re not.

... The overall mortality increase noted after the global release of the COVID shot is also being reported in other countries.

... the U.K. government quietly released a report that confirmed 9 in every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England were in people who were fully vaccinated.

... What that really matters for Pfizer is that the indemnification clauses require Pfizer disclose known adverse events and this documentation demonstrates they didn’t do so.

A lot of the lawyers are licking their chops over this because it seems to indicate a break in the veil that may allow legal action basically due to fraud and concealment of these risks from the general public.

    This is why you have not been able to have full informed consent, is they’ve hidden all this information from you and they’ve used all the propaganda and censorship tools

... and paid media, to keep all this information from you and spin it, so that you think the left is right and the down is the up and the moon is made of green cheese.”