Monday, March 28, 2022

Corrupt Wall Street Journal uses August 2021, non-peer reviewed, unpublished, science fraud TOGETHER TRIAL designed to bash invermectin, while completely ignoring 81 positive ivermectin studies

81 positive studies of ivermectin are located here:

Wall Street Journal ignored 81 positive controlled studies of ivermectin to report  a science fraud "study", not yet peer reviewed. Results were announced in August 2021 but have not yet been published.

The FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance doctors) explain  how the study" was designed to fail. And revealed that several groups involved in the trial were big clients of Pfizer.

The study actually found a 20% lower mortality rate with ivermectin. Much lower than other ivermectin studies. Yet they claimed 20% was not statistically significant. They sabotaged the trial by using a small dose of ivermectin, taken too late, with the wrong type of trial, and the wrong type of trial participants. The not yet peer reviewed or published (since Augist 2021) "study" was deliberately designed to fail.

They begin collecting data on the control group weeks earlier when there was a less deadly variant around. That way more of the control group would “do well”, which makes the test group less likely to outdo them.

They used a randomized control trial in a community that already knew how useful ivermectin is.  Really sick people would avoid the trial because they wanted ivermectin, not a worthless placebo. Comparing groups that are already low risk, makes ivermectin less useful.

Ivermectin was so widely known in Minas Gerais, Brazil that some of the control group may have been using ivermectin before they started the trial. No one asked.

They eliminated really sick people (if they haven’t already ruled themselves out first) by only including patients with an “expected stay of less than 5 days. “

They changed the experiment protocol while it was in progress “we hypothesize that younger patients will benefit more than older patients.”

The TOGETHER trial was designed to help Pfizer sell more vaccines and extremely expensive anti-viral drugs.

Vaccine pusher NIH claims *most* studies showing positive effects for ivermectin had significant limitations such as small sample sizes or poorly defined outcomes, according to the NIH.

“Most” means 51% or more. Not 100%. And they make no attempt to prove their assertion.

One trial in Itajaí, Brazil had 159,000 people, They found that even a low infrequent dose of Ivermectin could cut Covid 19 hospitalization rates in half, and reduce deaths by 70%, when used to prevent Covid19.

The TOGETHER Trial wa supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [INV-019641]. Gates is am investor in and promoter of vaccines.

Lead investigator Edward Mills, got funding from FastGrants, which includes money from Mark Zuckerberg, who invested $100 million in “Coronavirus cures”. 

The FLCCC calls for better trials: Trials of generic medicines that are funded and influenced by profit-driven pharmaceutical companies will always fail.

We need to create an independent, well-funded government body dedicated to conducting well-designed trials and transparent research studies of repurposed generic treatments – and not only for COVID-19.

More than anything we just need free speech.

Ye Editor


"On March 18, 2022, The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled: ‘Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date’.

The results of this trial, which was predetermined to show ivermectin as ineffective, affirms the need for early treatment against COVID-19 and confirms that conflicted groups continue to influence competitor trials, ensuring they are designed to fail.

Several organizations associated with the trial have a paid client relationship with Pfizer, which has secured Federal government contracts worth $5.3 billion for its antiviral treatment, Paxlovid.

A full list of trial sponsors and associates can be found here.

It is therefore no surprise that the trial was designed to fail.

In the medical community, it is common knowledge that COVID-19 becomes far more difficult to treat the longer a patient has had symptoms.

Treating early is imperative, but the TOGETHER trial studied patients where they started treatment up to eight days after the onset of symptoms.

Furthermore, no qualified physician or scientist recommends treating COVID-19 with the low dosage of ivermectin used in the trial, nor treating a patient with only small doses of ivermectin, for only three days, on an empty stomach, as TOGETHER did to sabotage ivermectin.

FLCCC physicians have understood for nearly 18 months that ivermectin works best against COVID-19 when administered with a fatty meal and until symptoms resolve.

Our frontline physicians – who were treating COVID-19 with corticosteroids months before the NIH recommended them – have found ivermectin is most effective as part of a treatment protocol that includes other FDA-approved medications and supplements backed by clinical and observational evidence.

The use of our I-MASK+, MATH+ and I-RECOVER protocols have all been proven to be effective at corresponding stages of the illness.

Trials of generic medicines that are funded and influenced by profit-driven pharmaceutical companies will always fail.

We need to create an independent, well-funded government body dedicated to conducting well-designed trials and transparent research studies of repurposed generic treatments – not only for COVID-19, but for all diseases that may have safe and affordable remedies.

The use of independent research is our only hope of understanding how these medicines can best be used to help patients."