Thursday, March 31, 2022

Joe Biden Will Drop Trump-Era Title 42 Border Restrictions May 23 - 170,000 Illegals Amass at Southern Border Ready to Storm into US


"Joe Biden on Wednesday announced he is planning on dropping a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border on May 23.

Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic.

Get ready for a massive wave of migrants on top of the illegals flooding over the border.

Border Patrol agents encountered nearly 2 million illegals in 2021.

Law enforcement has already encountered 1 million illegals in 2022 and we are barely 3 months into the year.

As we reported earlier 170,000 illegals have collected at the Mexican border ready to storm across when this Trump era rule is lifted.

Reuters reported:
    The United States is planning to end a COVID-era order blocking asylum seekers and other migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border by May 23, a U.S. official told Reuters, adding that the decision has not yet been finalized.

    The sweeping, pandemic-related expulsion policy, known as Title 42, has effectively closed down the U.S. asylum system at the border with Mexico.

Leading Democrats, medical experts and the United Nations have urged the United States to end it, but Republicans argue it will encourage more migrants to enter illegally.

Border crossing could triple once the asylum restrictions are lifted.

The Daily Mail reported:
     Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were warned to prepare for illegal border crossings, which are already at record-high levels, to triple.

    An ICE officer who received an alert told The Washington Times that agency employees usually handling enforcement within the country could be deployed to the southern border to help with Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

    ‘We are on a massive crash trajectory for the system,’ the officer said.

    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials confirmed Tuesday that they are prepared for migrant flows to reach a ‘very high’ contingency of 18,000 people per day. This would equate to more than 500,000 each month."