Thursday, March 31, 2022

Grassley, Johnson release bank records showing Hunter Biden's ties to China


'Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., released bank records showing Hunter Biden's financial ties to companies linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

The senators presented the records of President Joe Biden's son on the Senate floor this week.

Grassley focused on CEFC China Energy, a now-bankrupt company that the senator called "effectively an arm of the Chinese Government."

Hunter Biden's firms were directly connected to CEFC, shown through a multi-million-dollar Louisiana natural gas project contract the companies were involved in.

One record shows a $5 million wire transfer to Hudson West, a company Hunter Biden invested in and managed, from CEFC partner Northern International Capital.

Another contract shows that Hunter Biden was given a $500,000 one-time retainer bonus by Hudson West on top of $100,000 a month while his uncle, James Biden, was given $65,000 month.

Grassley gave other examples of questionable financial transactions between the Biden family and foreign governments.

"So, I say this to the liberal media and our Democratic colleagues who tried to smear our work all those years and accused us of peddling Russian disinformation:

Are these official bank records Russian disinformation?" Grassley asked.

Sen. Johnson, who has worked with Grassley for years to uncover Hunter Biden's business dealings, showed records of the president's son's connection to Patrick Ho, who worked at a lobbying firm funded by CEFC.

"We know that Patrick Ho was arrested by U.S. authorities in November 2017 for international bribery and money laundering charges.

Keep in mind that this arrest occurred in the same month that Patrick Ho’s company, CEFC, is wiring $1 million to Hunter Biden’s company, Hudson West Three," Johnson noted.

Ho was eventually convicted on the charges.

"We may never know all the details of the Biden family foreign entanglements, or the full extent to which those entanglements compromise our current President.

But I’m pretty confident I know who does know – intelligence operatives in Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

Elements within U.S. intelligence agencies probably also know, they’re just not going to tell us," Johnson said."