Thursday, January 7, 2021

Evidence that some violence in Washington DC was by Antifa, BLM and other leftists -- the rioting disrupted a debate on election fraud that Republicans wanted and hurt the image of Republicans -- would Republicans do this to themselves ? Maybe not.



Yesterday on television I saw younger people climbing walls, breaking windows, and breaking doors. Younger people wearing helmets, backpacks, headscarves, some with a tool dangling from their belt, scaling a Capitol building wall.  They looked and acted just like the Antifa antagonists in various cities last summer. 


There were many large Trump rallies from 2016 through 2020. 

All were peaceful. 

Trump supporters earned a reputation for peaceful rallies that did not leave much trash behind.


Did that pattern suddenly change yesterday?


There were many left wing "peaceful protests" in 2020.

Almost all had violence.

They earned a reputation for violence.


Trump's January 6, 2021 rally was peaceful.

After the rally, a very small minority of all the people in the area marched into the Capitol building to confront their senators.  Of course that was a crime. But much closer to a "peaceful protest" than the leftist and Antifa "peaceful protests" in many American cities before the election.

What I saw on television looked just like an Antifa and Black Lives Matter "peaceful protest". Completely unlike any Trump rally since 2016. 


So I immediately wondered why so many people in the anti-Trump biased mass media jumped to the conclusion that all the violence was committed by Trump supporters.


After all, 95% of the mass media criticized Trump for four years about Russian collusion that never happened -- four investigations that we know of -- no evidence ever found.


The biggest problem was the small violent minority, of those people who entered the Capitol building. That small minority broke windows and doors, screamed at the police, fought with the police, and may have stolen things from inside the building.

When it comes to identifying who committed the violence, outside and inside the Capitol building, the assumption that everyone involved was a Trump supporter, is jumping to a conclusion that may be wrong. We can't be sure of that. 


In the past, demonstrations with violence had been exclusively left wing (I include Antifa as left wing). How can we be sure there were no Antifia people causing violence on January 6, 2021 in Washington DC?  We can't be sure of that. 

In fact, the links above show some evidence that Antifa was involved in at least some of the violence. The early information after such a wild event does not tend to be anywhere close to 100 percent accurate, but that does not mean it is 100 percent inaccurate.

Anyone can put on a red Trump hat and create violence. Would Antifa members disguise themselves to look like Trump supporters, so they could cause trouble that would make Trump and his supporters look bad? They would do that, and they have done that in the past !