Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Rappin' about the Election and Leftists -- what did we learn from the election ?

 I need a few days to read all the articles I have downloaded on 2020 election fraud. I'm now looking for facts to support the charges. That there was election fraud is obvious in every election. That election fraud in 2020 was unusually high is obvious too. The ability to prove the election fraud in court to judges is not obvious. 

It's only been one week since the election. Sufficient evidence may require six weeks of legal work, or six months. That Republicans did so well, except Trump, made me suspicious. That Biden got six million more votes than Obama did in 2008, at Obama's peak popularity, also surprised me.  Biden has no charisma, along with Harris, and he barely campaigned, as if he knew he was going to win, and didn't have to campaign. Of course to half the nation, Trump has negative charisma, and Pence has no obvious personality.

That's just my opinion, from my internal BS meter, and remember that I have a BS degree !   Meanwhile, today will be the first Election Circus rap from the top of my head. Or elsewhere. First draft. No censorship, No spell correct program. After I'm done, I'm going to listen to 2PAC's "Never Had a Friend Like Me, a great rap from the 1997 Gridlock'd soundtrack. Loud. And then start reading about election fraud.      

Ye Editor

In this election, getting a large number of absentee ballots mailed out, and then making sure a high percentage of them voting for Biden were returned, legally or illegally, was the determining factor in who “won” the election. 

Biden barely campaigned. I suspect he didn’t have to campaign at all. And his policy positions barely mattered. It was Trump lovers versus Trump haters, and the haters worked the absentee ballot system, legally and illegally, better than the Trump lovers did.

I have little doubt that Biden “won” with the after 8pm election day illegal votes. I have no idea how much computer counting fraud was involved, but here in Michigan it probably was not enough to close the gap. It will be difficult to prove enough fraud to get Biden below 270 electoral votes. 

What did we learn from Election 2020. Here's what I relearned: In my opinion, leftists have never held truth, morals, ethics and law as their values.  They value political power, and will censor negative news, break laws, and tell lies to get it. And with that power, they will tell everyone else how to live, and speak, in great detail.

The ONLY difference now, in my opinion, is that most leftists pre-President Reagan tried to be polite, concerning their beliefs, trying to make their beloved fantasy of "equality" sound good to everyone.  I was a leftist in the 1960s when leftism was anti-government, and anti-Vietnam war. In the 1970s, leftism morphed into loving the government, and that huge change lost me to libertarianism in 1973.

I believe illegal votes caused Trump to lose in a few key battleground states. Not that getting reelected during a serious pandemic and recession would have been easy for anyone. Proving sufficient election fraud, enough to change the winner, to judges may be a big problem. So, assuming Trump is gone in late January, what is the most important thing Trump did for our nation?

My unusual opinion is that one thing was FAR more important than anything else about the Trump years: He fought back against the usual leftist character attacks, and got them so upset they revealed their true bad leftist character and their very counterproductive for economic growth socialist beliefs.

Not just the pro-leftist biased mainstream media and social media. All leftists. Even some people I know revealed themselves to be very intolerant of opposing ideas, and unwilling to debate anything. 

The Hunter Biden laptop revealed a life of influence peddling for tens of millions of dollars, with the "big guy", old Joe Biden, getting a cut of the action fom his son.

Clueless leftsts claim this never happened, because "their" news sources told them it was just a political smear by those horrible Republicans, colluding with Russian again! Hey, that Russia, Russia, Russia BS worked once, so why not use it again? Never mind the four investigations that proved it to be a hoax created by Hillary Clinton, or her staff.

Those of us who have followed climate science for decades already knew about leftists refusing to debate any climate belief, the arbitrary "adjustments" of historical temperature 'data', and their idiotic anti-science statement: "The science is settled". Real science is never settled.

So why should more election fraud than usual surprise us? Leftists have bad characters. They always have had bad characters. They will not debate any of their beliefs, and won't change their minds ... except to move further left. Independent thinking?  Questioning authority?  Those are not leftist attributes.  Leftists ruin everything they touch. And don't you forget it.