Robert Mueller spent
nine minutes telling us
everything he had
to say was in his report ...
which should have taken
him nine seconds !
Mueller created
a new standard
of justice:
Guilty, or Not Not Guilty,
where the accused,
has to be "exonerated",
rather than being assumed
to be innocent until proven guilty !
Mueller's nine-minute "summary"
of the findings of his office,
after 22 months of investigation,
was mainly intended
to spur Congressional
Dumbocrats into impeaching
President Trump,
for what offense,
I still have no idea.
This is just what I would expect
from a political hack, which
is what I called Mueller in my
11-page ECONOMIC LOGIC article.
For the charge of conspiracy to collude
with the Russians (no evidence)
and hack the emails of the DNC
and Hillary Clinton’s campaign
(no proof from FBI), Mueller said,
“there was insufficient evidence
to charge a larger conspiracy.”
On obstruction of justice,
which was mainly Trump
protesting being investigated
for phony charges,
protesting being investigated
for phony charges,
Mueller said:
“If we had had confidence that
the president clearly did not
commit a crime, we would have
said so.”
“Mueller Declines to Absolve Trump”
was The New York Times headline.
Why would Trump need absolution,
if he did not commit the crime?
Mueller implied that his refusal
to charge Trump publicly
was based on
a Justice Department
a Justice Department
ruling that presidents
cannot be indicted.
cannot be indicted.
That contradicts
what he had said
what he had said
several times before.
Mueller claimed it was
“unfair to accuse somebody
of a crime when there can be no court
resolution of the actual charge,”
... so why was a special counsel
named in the first place ?
Mueller walking out
after nine minutes,
after nine minutes,
without taking questions,
left the Democrats
charged up and ready to
impeach Trump.
If, after two years, Mueller found
“insufficient evidence” of collusion
by Trump, then what was the
compelling evidence that
justified launching of the
(at least) nine month FBI investigation
of collusion during the Obama era?
False allegations and lies ?
The investigation left a cloud
over the legitimacy of the president,
and severely divided the nation.
I hereby promote Robert Mueller
from a "political hack", to a
"horse's ass".
Mueller’s assignment
was to give us answers.
He hired a team
of 18 angry Democrats
of 18 angry Democrats
who investigated
only Republicans,
only Republicans,
and kept quiet about the complete
lack of evidence of Russian collusion,
from the nine month FBI investigation,
and the first 17 months of his
own investigation, before the
2018 elections, so Democrats
would get more votes.
Only a horse's ass"
would have done that.