Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Mueller Report Update #2 -- Documents to be Declassified ?

Documents that President Trump 
has promised to declassify soon,
have not yet been specified.

But there was a related list 
from September 2018, 
along with the agencies 
who would be involved in the 
declassification process.

I've also provided goals  
for the use of those documents, 
after they are declassified:

All versions of the Carter Page 
FISA court applications,
including renewals. 
(DOJ) (DoS) (FBI) (ODNI).

All relevant supporting materials 
within the Carter Page 
FISA applications. 
(FBI) (DOJ-NSD ) (DoS) 

Prove the first Carter Page 
FISA application (October 2016) 
was fraudulent, with many 
deceptions of the FISA Court. 

Determine if exculpatory 
information about Page
was deliberately hidden 
from the FISA Court. 

Release the transcripts
of those who signed the 
FISA applications, 
and then depose those 
who have not yet testified.

Subpoena former DOJ-NSD 
( National Security Division ) 
head John Carlin, 
or haul him in front of 
a grand jury, 
to get his testimony 
about why he hid 
deceptions from the 
FISA court in October 2016, 
why the DOJ-NSD 
rushed the Carter Page 
application, and why did 
he quit immediately after.

All of the Bruce Ohr 302’s, 
filled out by the FBI. 

All of Bruce Ohr’s e-mails,
supportive documents, 
and material he provided 
to the FBI. 

Find out if Ohr weaponized
( or deceived ) the FBI 
by passing them fake "dirt"
about Donald Trump, paid for 
by the Hillary Clinton campaign. 

Bruce Ohr was the courier, 
carrying anti-Trump fake
"dirt" from Fusion GPS, 
where his wife worked,
to high level people
inside the Obama
Administration, who used 
the information to justify
spying on Trump's campaign,
and his Administration.

All un-redacted text messages 
and e-mails between Lisa Page 
and Peter Strzok, on all devices. 

Let's read the actual conversation(s) 
taking place when Crossfire Hurricane 
(July ’16) began investigating the Trump 
campaign, before the 2016 election, 
and when the first Carter Page FISA 
Application (Oct ’16) was getting approved. 

The current redactions were made 
by the same people who weaponized 
the Obama Administration for 
political surveillance / spying
on the Trump campaign, and 
the Trump Administration.

The originating CIA “EC” 
or two-page electronic 
communication, from former 
CIA Director John Brennan 
to FBI Director James Comey, 
that officially started 
Operation Crossfire 
Hurricane in July 2016. 

Prove the July 2016, 
or earlier, Crossfire Hurricane 
counterintelligence operation 
originated from a scheme 
within the intelligence agencies,
by exposing a preceding 
CIA spying on Trump operation, 
in an “Electronic Communication” 
memo, that John Brennan 
sent to the FBI's James Comey. 

Release and declassify 
all of the James Comey 
memos that document the 
investigative steps taken 
by the FBI to support an 
an early 2016 (or late 2015)
spying operation on Trump, 
coordinated by CIA Director 
John Brennan.

This was a weaponized surveillance 
and domestic political spying operation,
within the Obama Administration,
definitely happening in early 2016, 
and perhaps starting in late 2015. 

Release the August 2, 2017, 
two-page 'scope memo' provided by 
Deputy Attorney General 
Rod Rosenstein, to  special counsel 
Robert Mueller -- DOJ guidelines 
for what became an almost
two year Trump investigation. 

Release the October 20, 2017, 
second 'scope memo', that was
recently discovered.  

The scope memos are 
the keys to finding out 
if Rod Rosenstein 
told the Mueller Team 
to ignore Obama 
Administration spying 
and surveillance 
of Donald Trump.