Monday, April 22, 2019

There was unprecedented collusion in 2016 -- the Mueller Team of angry Democrats ignored it -- they were too busy trying smear Trump with innuendo and speculation !

Why was there 
a Mueller Report ?

It's an "impeachment report",
with a lot of speculation
in Part 2 -- the "smear job",
intended for Democrats in 
the House of Representatives.

Prosecutors never 
release reports.

The FBI had investigated
Trump for about nine months
before Mueller was appointed.

They found 
no evidence
of a crime.

So there was no reason
to appoint Mueller.

But Mueller was appointed anyway.

And $35 million dollars later,
Mueller found no evidence
of Russian collusion.

The president NEVER asserted
executive privilege to hinder
the investigation -- unprecedented
for any presidential investigation.

With no evidence of any crime
related to collusion, or Rissia,
there was no need for 
any Mueller report.

From page 2 of the Report:
" ... the investigation did 
not establish that the 
Trump campaign coordinated
with the Russian government
in its election interference

In America, investigations are 
supposed to be confidential,
unless someone is charged 
with a crime, and then the
information has to be used 
for prosecution.

The accused is considered
innocent, unless found guilty 
by a judge, or jury of his peers.

The first victim of an abnormal
Obama Adminstration 
"prosecution" was 
Hillary Clinton. 

Although the FBI investigation
of Clinton was obviously fixed, 
every law and rule she broke 
was stated on live television, 
in spite of no prosecution.

A decision to not prosecute 
at the beginning of the
Hillary Clinton investigation,
is not the American way.

Nor is smearing someone's 
reputation, without ever 
charging them with a crime.

I can't stand the Clintons -- 
I think they are grifters with 
a strange open marriage.

But James Comey, 
by making himself 
the "judge and jury",
kept Hillary from 
becoming president. 

Corrupt Obama bureaucrats
decided many months in
advance that Hillary Clinton 
was not going to be punished
in any way for actual crimes, 

Comey started work 
on an 
'exoneration speech' 
in late April 2016, 

at the beginning of the 
FBI investigation, 

and the FBI ignored Clinton's
actual obstruction of justice, 

destroying tens of thousands
of e-mails under subpoena, 
( we'll never know how many ),

and physically destroying phones,

along with the unbelievable, 

intended to be top secret, 

meeting of husband Bill Clinton, 

and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, 

just days before the FBI decided 
Hillary committed every crime the
Republicans had accused her of, 

but she would get no punishment !

What I care about most
is the ongoing expansion
of government power, 
and spending ... and all 
the lying in Washington, DC. 

The lying includes the 
unprecedented attempt, 

by colluding, 

high level members, 

of a corrupt 

Obama Administration,

trying to prevent 
Donald Trump 
from winning 
an election, 

and then trying 
to frame Trump, 
after the election 

for alleged crimes 
he did not commit.

The mainstream media 
compounded the 
attempted "soft coup",

with a huge negative bias 
against Donald Trump,

for almost three years, 
so far,

as if implying guilt, with 
no evidence whatsoever,

almost every day,

was much more important 
than reporting actual facts.

             OF  THE  
Investigations should 
be kept secret.

A Mueller Report 
should not exist.

Every one of the
500 people interviewed
by the investigators, 
who was not charged 
with a crime,
deserves anonymity,

because the mere act
of investigating someone 
smears their reputation 
( unless their name is Hillary Clinton  ).

The Report was 
over 400 pages
for a good reason:
The Mueller investigation, 

started after the FBI found 
no evidence of a collusion
in their investigation, 

that started in July 2016, 
or earlier,

had an indirect purpose:

That purpose was to 
obscure criminal conduct 
of many government officials,

in the Obama Administration, 

working in collusion with 
the Clinton campaign, 

to derail Donald Trump’s 

and then trying to frame him,

after he won the election.

The following 
Obama personnel 
broke laws, 
and rules: 

James Comey,  

Andrew McCabe, 

Peter Strzok, 

Lisa Page, 

Bruce Ohr,

Loretta Lynch, 

Sally Yates, 

William Brennan, 

James Clapper, 

Nellie Ohr, 

Samantha Power, 

Bill Priestap, 

Jim Rybicki, 

James Baker, 

Mike Kortan, 

John Carlin, 

Mary McCord, 

Josh Campbell 

and more. 

If fewer than six of them
eventually serve time 
in prison, then I will be
very disappointed in the
American justice system !

I found the first serious error 
in the third paragraph
of the Mueller Report

Russians were blamed for
hacking the DNC, and giving
hacked Emails to WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks denied that any 
nation was their source.

The Obama FBI 
was never allowed
to examine 
DNC servers 
and computers.

The DNC hired a private company, 
headed by Russian ex-patriots,
who hated Vladimir Putin, and had a 
reputation for claiming they
could determine where hackers 
operated from, which was bullshit, 
and came to the very desirable,
( for Hillary Clinton ) but fake conclusion 
that Russia was responsible, 
after only one day of investigation !

The US government has no proof
that Russians hacked the DNC, and 
transferred stolen Emails to WikiLeaks,
to contradict the WikiLeaks claim that 
the information was stolen by a 
DNC insider, angry that DNC rules
were set up to hurt Bernie Sanders'

If there was a hack, 
and if Russia did it,
then the NSA 
would have 
evidence of both.

No such NSA evidence 
was ever presented.

In his last 
press conference 
as president, 
Barack Obama said: 
“The conclusions of the 
intelligence community 
with respect to the 
Russian hacking 
were not conclusive.” 

In summer 2017, 
The Nation magazine,
a far left "progressive" 
magazine, wrote:
"There was no hack 
of the Democratic 
National Committee’s 
system on July 5 last year
—not by the Russians, 
not by anyone else." 

"Hard science 
now demonstrates 
it was a leak—
a download 
executed locally 
with a memory key 
or a similarly portable 
data-storage device. "

"In short, it was an inside job 
by someone with access 
to the DNC’s system. "

The Special Prosecutor,
is a smarmy man, who I will refer 
to as Robert "the hack" Mueller,
for his refusal to reach a conclusion
on  the obstruction of justice charge.

Failure to reach 
a conclusion is 
the same thing as 
failing to have a case.

Robert "the hack" Mueller’s attempt 
to dishonestly present that failure 
as something else, is a brazen act 
of criminal prosecutorial misconduct.

If Mueller had been investigating a 
Democrat president, other Democrats
would now be calling for him 
to be disbarred.

No American involved in 
the Trump campaign, or in 
the Trump Administration,
betrayed his or her country,
to help any Russians, in any way 
-- we should all be proud of that.

The 'confirmed' interference 
by Russia in the 2016 
US Election took place during 
President Obama's watch.

The smarmy leftist-biased
mainstream media will 
NEVER point out that fact.

The media lied for two and one-half
years about Russian collusion,
and I doubt if the lying will stop.

The Mueller Report is garbage.

It should be thrown in the garbage.

The report has too much
implication and speculation, 
but no evidence of any crimes
involving Russia, or collusion,
committed in 2016 or 2017
by Trump, his family, or any
members of his campaign team.

I knew Mueller was a hack when 
he hired only Democrats, and 
I recommended that Trump
fire him immediately.

With one important exception,
the report reads like it was written
by Democrats, 

for the Democrats in the House, 

filled with weak excuses
for continuing their "investigations" 
of Trump for the next two years, 

or the next six years !

That one exception was stated well
in a CNN online op-ed, written by
CNN contributor Scott Jennings:
( I'm assuming it has not been deleted ! ).

      Here's an excerpt:
"The partisan warfare over 
the Mueller report will rage,
but one thing cannot be denied: 
Former President Barack Obama 
looks just plain bad."

"On his watch, the Russians
meddled in our democracy 
while his administration 
did nothing about it."

"The Mueller Report flatly states 
that Russia began interfering 
in American democracy in 2014."

"Over the next couple of years, 
the effort blossomed into a 
robust attempt to interfere
in our 2016 presidential election." 

"The Obama administration 
knew this was going on 
and yet did nothing." 

"In 2016, Obama's National 
Security Adviser Susan Rice 
told her staff to "stand down" 
and "knock it off" as they 
drew up plans to "strike back" 
against the Russians, 
according to an account 
from Michael Isikoff and 
David Corn in their book 
"Russian Roulette: 
The Inside Story of 
Putin's War on America 
and the Election 
of Donald Trump".

The Report was released with far
fewer redactions than I expected.

The Dumbocrats are angry again 
... angry that Trump had 
publicly protested many times
about their smarmy attempt 
to frame him for a crime 
that he did not commit.'

The Times’ always clueless 
Maggie Haberman claimed 
the White House celebrated 
the Mueller Report by playing 
a “Nazi anthem”: Edelweiss.

Maggie "the dingbat" Haberman
had no clue that song was written 
for Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s 
1959 Broadway show, 
The Sound of Music.

It was sung by 
the anti-Nazi hero 
Baron von Trapp !

Rachel "angry" Maddow 
invited Andy McCabe 
on her television show 
-- a man officially identified 
as a liar by his own colleagues 
at the FBI, and fired !

Believe it or not,
the Democrats are 
also angry that:

-- Donald Trump did not
obstruct justice.

-- Donald Trump fought back
verbally against injustice.

-- Trump's lawyer's office 
was raided, and looted,
by the government,
but they found no evidence 
of a crime committed by Trump !

Whatever happened to
lawyer-client privilege,
Robert "the hack" Mueller ?

The Mueller investigation 
was started after an 
internal FBI investigation,

started without evidence,

and found NO evidence 
of any crime,

after about nine months.

That made the Mueller 
investigation a "witch hunt", 

an investigation in search of 
a crime -- any crime !

But no crimes that concerned 
collusion with Russians 
were found -- of course no 
collusion crimes could be found, 
because collusion is NOT a crime !

One example, among many, 
of Robert "the hack" Mueller's
shifty tactics: 

The Mueller Report 
failed to mention 
that the two Russians,

at the August 2016 
Trump Tower meeting, 

lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, 
and lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, 

were on the payroll of
Hillary Clinton’s opposition
research contractor, 

Fusion GPS, 

and met with that 
company’s principal,
Glenn Simpson, 

both before, 
and after, 
the Trump
Tower meeting !

One person involved 
in Trump's campaign,
Paul Manafort, 
was placed in solitary 
confinement, for tax 
evasion, BEFORE 
being found guilty !

This was a very 
harsh investigation,

completely unlike the
fake investigation
of Hillary Clinton, 

who did commit crimes,

and obstructed justice
by destroying Emails,

with BleachBit, 

and also destroyed phones, 

and whose staff
was given immunity, 
for nothing in return !

Robert "the hack" Mueller
invented a new standard 
of American (in) justice 
aimed only at one person
in the United States --
Republican President Trump.

Robert "the hack" Mueller 
actually claimed he could
not "exonerate" Trump 
for obstruction of justice !

But how could Trump
obstruct an investigation,
that was allowed to proceed
for almost two years,

with Executive Privilege
never used once, 

and over one million 
requested documents
voluntarily turned over,

and all Mueller questions 
answered in writing,

unlike investigations
of Bill Clinton and 
Richard Nixon, where
Executive Privilege 
was claimed repeatedly 
to obstruct the 
investigation ?

But how could Trump
obstruct an investigation
for collusion, which is 
not even a crime,

and something for which
the FBI, several Congressional
investigations, and the Mueller
investigation, found zero evidence,

in almost three years
of various investigations ?

Robert "the hack" Mueller 
seems to have completely
forgotten that Americans 
are considered innocent,
until proven guilty in court, 

and he seems to think
Americans, or at least
one American named
Donald Trump, 

had to be "exonerated"
of obstruction of justice
charges ...

creating what is an 
impossible task 
for any person 
-- proving that you
DIDN'T commit a crime,

with no opportunity 
to look good by refuting
the evidence gathered 
by the prosecutors,

because there 
was no evidence
of a crime, gathered 
by the prosecutors, 
to refute !

This investigation 
was also about 
actual Russian 
election interference,
which was minor, 
in my opinion:

I doubt if one vote was
changed by $45,000 of 
Facebook ads, placed 
by Russian trolls before
the election -- compared 
with $4 billion spent 
on the election
by Americans !

Not one Democrat 
was investigated by 
Robert "the hack" Mueller.

The Obama Administration 
claimed some Russian citizens
contacted the Trump campaign
to lobby for certain things,
which is not a crime,

but never informed Trump
about what they claimed
was happening during his

Crooked Hillary Clinton 
paid a lot for, and used,

fake opposition research 
on candidate Donald Trump,

coming mainly 
from ex-Russian spies
telling tall tales, 

that was later used
by liars in the smarmy 
Obama Administration,

with no verification at all,

as justification to spy 
on Trump "advisors"
( that Trump probably
never even talked to ), 
and anyone 
THEY talked to, 

and also to launch 
an unnecessary FBI
investigation of the 
Trump campaign, 
starting well BEFORE 
the election,

with absolutely 
no evidence
that any crime 
had been committed,

in a desperate attempt 
to dig up dirt on Trump,

leak it to the media,

and thereby destroy the 
Trump campaign !

That failed attempt, 

by very high level
personnel of the 
Obama Administration,

to undermine 
Trump's campaign, 

and later, to undermine 
his presidency, 

demonstrates that the 
Obama Administration, 

was the most corrupt 
presidential Administration 
in modern times,

but fortunately Obama
had many high level 
appointees who were
also very incompetent 
at being corrupt,

and at least a half dozen
of them should be in prison 
right now !

The record slowest 
Real GDP growth 
for any president,
( only + 1.5% average 
Real GDP growth 
over 8 years )
during the Obama 

now has the company 
of another sad record:

The most corrupt 
in modern times !

I can only hope there will 
eventually be some justice 
for law-breaking Obama
Democrats, but I definitely
won't hold my breath while
waiting for justice !

Robert "the hack" Mueller 
allowed his 18 angry 
Democrat prosecutors
to write what I see as
a load of speculation 

for Democrats in Congress 
to harass President Trump 
for another two years,
to derail his reelection,

without ever providing 
any evidence that Trump
committed any crime.