Thursday, April 25, 2019

Russian Embassy in US responds to Mueller Report (next article) ... and they make more sense than Mueller !

The Russian Embassy 
in Washington 
published a 121-page 
pdf report in response to
the Mueller Report.

It documents the fake news,
lies, violations of diplomatic standards 
and international law, and aggressive 
actions taken against Russia,
from May 18, 2016 through 
the issuance of the Mueller Report.

The Russian government 
sent many diplomatic notes 
that were never answered, and
requests for meetings 
that were never answered, and
requests for evidence
that were never answered. 

As a result of the speculation 
and propaganda, Trump has been forced
into a hostile relationship with Russia.

That does not benefit the world.

From page 119 of the 121-page pdf:
"After three years, 
more than 8,000 publications 
in just four main outlets 
(Washington Post, 
New York Times, 
CNN and MSNBC), 
endless congressional 
inquiries, 22 months 
of the work of Robert Mueller 
that cost taxpayers 
an estimated $32 million, 
more than 2,800 subpoenas, 
500 witnesses interrogated, 
and as many search warrants, 
an obvious conclusion is reached 
– there was no collusion" 

The body of the report 
is a huge list of US media
articles critical of Russia.

There's a date, 
the article title,
a sentence 
from the article,
and a URL link 
to the article.

I didn't read any of the articles,
because I've heard, and read,
enough claims about Russia 
presented with no proof, 
or persuasive evidence.

The huge list of articles 
made what should 
have been a 20-page 
report into 121 pages.

I guess their point, 
made repeatedly,
was the American media
was frequently hysterical 
and negative about Russia.

Debunking the claims 
about Russia starts at 
page 101, of the 121 pages.

Of course it's almost impossible
to prove a negative, and that's 
why the leftist-biased US media 
made so many accusations
and tried to link Trump with Russia.

The main Russian claim 
is that many accusations 
were made with no proof, 
or evidence, available 
to the public to support
the accusations.

I agree with that 100%.

I wrote something similar
in my last article on the subject
here, before I read this Russian

I have been concerned 
since 2016
about the lack of proof 
that any Russian hacked the
DNC computers, and gave the
stolen information to WikiLeaks.

from page 5 of the 121-page pdf:
"The Democrats have done 
their best to use the Russian card 
so as to do maximum damage 
to the current administration. 

When a great nation spends
 three years speculating about 
foreign interference that 
allegedly predetermined 
the outcome of its 
presidential elections, 
we see this as disrespect 
for the great American people."