Thursday, February 21, 2019

A long list of fake hate crimes !

Jussie Smollett's recent
fake "hate crime", 
intended to frame 
Trump supporters 
as violent racists,  
is just the latest in a 
long series of fake 
hate crimes.

The mainstream media 
reports these fake stories
without investigation,
then gives them little attention
after the truth comes out:

November 2018:
Goucher College students
demanded social justice training. 
and safe spaces. after racist, 
Nazi, & KKK graffiti was found 
on campus. 

Someone even wrote 
the names of black students. 

Trump was blamed.

Fynn Arthur, 
a black student, 
was responsible. 

September 2018:
A black woman in Long Island 
said Trump supporters 
confronted her, and told her 
“she didn’t belong here.” 

Her car tire was slashed 
the next day, and a hateful note 
was left behind, saying “go home.”

Adwoa Lewis made up 
the whole story. 

Autumn 2018:
At Kent State University,
a note was left on an apartment 
that read:
"Beware n***ers live here! 
Knock at your own risk." 

The "victim" 
admitted to police 
that she did it himself. 

And this was the second time 
she had fabricated a hate incident 
in two years. 

Saint Olaf College had 
mass protests 
in response to 
anti-black notes 
found across campus. 

Class was cancelled and 
the administration 
caved in to demands. 

An investigation found that 
Samantha Wells, a black victim 
of one of the notes, 
fabricated the incident. 

November 2017:
Near Kansas State University, 
a black man's car was vandalized 
with racist messages. 

Class was cancelled and 
students held demonstrations. 

Dauntarius Williams, 
a black man,
later admitted to police 
that he did it himself. 

Police did not charge him. 

April 2017:
In Charlotte, Curtis Flournoy 
set an immigrant business on fire, 
and left note saying:
“Trump is our nation builder 
for White America." 

When closed circuit TV 
showed the perpetrator 
was obviously a black man, 
some websites falsely
claimed it was a white 
Trump supporter in disguise. 

Days after the 
Pittsburgh massacre, 
Trump supporters were blamed 
for Nazi vandalism at a 
Brooklyn synagogue, and
fires in a Jewish community. 

The perpetrator 
was a gay black man. 

December 2016:
A Muslim woman said
she was attacked by 
three white Trump supporters 
in NYC, on the subway. 

She said they tried 
to rip off her hijab.

Yasmin Seweid lied. 

Just before the 2016 election: 
A black church in Mississippi 
was burned in an arson attack. 

“Vote Trump” was written 
on the building. 

After much panic, an investigation 
revealed that the black man responsible 
was a church member, Andrew McClinton: 

Trump was blamed 
for death threats 
to Jewish 
community centers 
across the US.

Juan Thompson, 
a black reporter, 
was convicted 
for the hoax threats,
and other offenses. 

A Muslim student at the 
University of Michigan
claimed she was attacked 
by a white man, who threatened 
to burn her hijab. 

She lied -- it never happened. 

After the 2016 election:
An anti-conservative 
hate group, called the
Southern Poverty Law
Center, reported a pro-gay 
Episcopal church in Indiana 
was vandalized with “Heil Trump,” 
a swastika, and an anti-gay slur. 

The gay church organ player did it. 

One day after 2016 election: 
Eleesha Long, a student 
at Bowling Green State 
University in Ohio 
said that white males 
wearing Trump shirts 
threw rocks at her 
and hurled racial slurs. 

The alleged incident 
sparked rage on campus, 
and the university 
hosted a "town hall." 

Ms. Long made it all up. 

On 2016 election night:
Canadian Chris Ball said 
he was beaten by anti-gay 
Trump supporters 
in Santa Monica. 

His friend shared a photo 
on social media. 

Police said he never filed a report, 
and didn't go to any hospitals 
in the area. 

Late 2016:
Trump and his supporters 
were blamed for anti-Semitic, 
KKK and Nazi graffiti 
on the campus 
of Nassau Community 
College in Long Island. 

The student responsible 
was Jasskirat Saini, 
who was not a Trump

November 2016:
A Muslim student at the 
University of Louisiana 
said two white racist 
Trump supporters 
brutally assaulted her, 
ripped off her hijab, 
and robbed her. 

It was a lie, but the 
mainstream media
never identified her 
by name after the hoax 
was revealed. 

November 2016:
A white University of Michigan 
student, Halley Bass, told police 
a Trump supporter attacked her 
by scratching her face. 

She said she was targeted 
for wearing a pin in support 
of UK Remain. 

As her story fell apart, 
she admitted to 
scratching herself. 

November 2016:
A Philadelphia neighborhood 
was rattled when property 
was vandalized with pro-Trump 
and anti-black messages. 

William Tucker, a black man,
was identified as the vandal 
through CCTV footage. 

November 2016:
A black female student 
at Villanova University,
in Pennsylvania, 
said a group of white men 
yelling "Trump!", knocked her 
to the ground on campus. 

However a police and
university investigation 
was halted because 
the student didn't want 
to pursue the matter. 

November 2016: 
Students at Williams College
dumped fake blood on campus 
and wrote “AM  KKK  KILL." 

Campus police notified the FBI 
and state police. 

Investigation found that 
the anti-Trump perpetrators 
did it “to bring attention 
to the effects of the 
presidential election." 

November 2016: 
Taylor Volk, a bisexual student at 
Chicago's North Park University,
said she received hateful 
pro-Trump, anti-gay messages. 

"This is a countrywide epidemic 
all of a sudden,” 
she said at the time. 

The investigation found 
that she fabricated the story.