The top three facts
I most wanted to know,
were not mentioned
on the television news
while we were watching.
We watch the
evening news on ABC,
at 6:30pm to 7:00pm,
and the first half hour
of pro-Republican-biased
Sean Hannity show
on Fox News,
from 9:00 to 9:30 pm.
If we miss the ABC news show,
on any day, we skip Fox News too.
Those days seem
more pleasant !
Here's what no one
bothered to mention,
that I wanted to know:
How much did gasoline
cost in France
(converted to US dollars
and US gallons)
before the new tax?
How much would gasoline
cost in France after the
new tax?
Specifically, how much
was the tax revenue
from the new gas tax
going to affect
the global climate,
assuming you believed
that CO2 levels control
the average temperature
of our planet ?
I still have not heard the answers,
but have seen many minutes
of rioting and cars burning.