Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Early morning climate rap: Why do "environmentalists" hate fossil fuels?

 Simultaneously posted on my climate science and energy blog:

I woke up at 6am for no particular reason with a “climate rap” in my head. I wrote it on my climate science and energy blog and will cut and post it here. I’d like to wake up with a hit song in my head, or a stock that will skyrocket, but I get climate change visions instead:

The root cause of what people call the "climate change religion" is the hatred of burning fossil fuels. There is some justification — they cause pollution. The worst may be using soft coal to heat homes of poor people (with no pollution controls). Burning wood and animal dung pollute too. A symptom is air pollution, and such pollution is serious over many large Asian cities. Especially in China and India. The answer is modern pollution controls. And nuclear power plants rather than older polluting coal power plants. But so-called environmentalists don’t seem to care. Few of them mention real air pollution.

Instead. they attack fossil fuels in a different way. They falsely claim CO2 is pollution. Which means modern pollution controls don’t matter to them. And even though they object to rising CO2 emissions, they want even more CO2 emissions, from the largest expansion of mining and manufacturing in history, for their beloved Nut Zero project. If you hate CO2 emissions (I love them along with my plants), the scientific response would be nuclear power plants replacing coal plants. But very few so called environmentalists support nuclear power.

Environmentalists have bad science and bad engineering. What do they really want? Since they are mainly leftists, they want what all leftists want: The power to tell everyone else how to live. That starts with the typical leftist attitude that everything is wrong, and they must fix it. So now they want to ruin the reliability of electric grids with weather dependent energy. And in time they’ll also want to be in charge of the “Fix the Electric Grid Project”, after Nut Zero ruins it.

Leftist behavior is described by my favorite philosopher Groucho Marx:

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”