Sunday, August 22, 2021

"Why Are We Being Deceived About Covid?", by Paul Craig Roberts


"Why have US corporations involved themselves in public health policy?

Why have they taken a position that is totally contradicted by all facts and all known evidence?

It is not only democratic governments that have turned totalitarian but also private corporations who are asserting authority to override the Nuremberg Laws and mandate that employees be vaccinated with the Covid Vaccine.  

A vaccination is a medical procedure and requires informed consent.  

It is very strange to find corporations recruited to serve a coerced marketing campaign.  

We hear about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  

But there is no such pandemic.  

All evidence shows that the majority of new cases are among the double inoculated.  

Public officials and the presstitutes are implying that it is those who refuse the vaccine who are responsible for the new outbreak when to the contrary it is the vaccinated people who are the cause of the variants and new illnesses.  

As Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used to create the vaccine, has patiently explained, the vaccine trains the virus to produce variants that escape vaccines.

Considering the enormous number of deaths and injuries associated with the vaccine, we are faced with the conclusion that the vaccine gives those vaccinated Covid illnesses.

Some have severe symptoms, some die, others don’t know they have it. It is the same as with the virus itself.

The medical establishment has avoided autopsies of vaccine-related deaths.

The narrative doesn’t want to acknowledge them.

People ruined by the vaccine can get no help from the medical establishment.

Finally an autopsy was done, and the first autopsy of a vaccine-caused death supports these conclusions:

“This post-mortem study only confirms our worst fears that the Covid-injections cause more harm than good, and may actually even speed up the spread of the virus.

“According to the report, researchers found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins.

This has been reported by many investigators and even further research on what really is in the vaccine.

“This indicates two things.

“1. The mRNA from the vaccine is not localized to the injection site where it’s supposed to be but spread on other organs.

“2. We know the decedent was exposed to Covid-19.

The virus was in every organ in his body.

Based on what we know about coronavirus vaccines in the past, this could be seen as a signal of antibody-dependent enhancement

“This means that the vaccine cannot stop the virus from spreading ...

“We have been programmed to believe that we can only go back to normal through the vaccines.

Our governments didn’t tell us that these vaccines are ineffective and do not offer protection. ...

Expect massive propaganda of lies and panic especially with the advent of variants.”

No evidence exists that supports the claim of CDC director Rochelle Walensky that the delta variant is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

No evidence exists that the vaccine protects against Covid.

Indeed, the vaccine seems to spread the virus.

We have learned that there is no such thing as “fully vaccinated.”  

The new program is endless booster shots every few months, the result of which will be an explosion in adverse effects from the vaccine.

The Covid policy is so counterfactual and so contradicted by all evidence that conspiracy theorists who see a darker agenda at work are gaining credibility.  

When a vaccine has proven itself not to protect but to cause unprecedented deaths and illnesses, how can any intelligent person arrive at the conclusion that more vaccine is the solution?

How is it possible that the president of the United States is so poorly advised that he said on Wednesday August 18:

“Earlier today, our medical experts announced a plan for booster shots for every fully vaccinated adult American.

This will boost your immune response, it will increase your protection from Covid-19.

It’s the best way to protect ourselves from new variants that could arise.”  

The American president’s statement is total ignorance and blatant nonsense.

Why the desperate rush to force the unvaccinated to accept the vaccine?  

Fear was the instrument for the original vaccine push.  

Shame and guilt are the instruments for the second push.

Is the game plan to get the world vaccinated before the deaths and illnesses from the vaccine can no longer be ignored?

It should disturb everyone and raise very serious questions why the leading experts and doctors are censored by the media and their warnings ignored by politicians and public health officials.  

When leading scientists and medical experts are ignored by authorities, how can we trust what politicians and bureaucrats tell us about Covid and the vaccine?

The Covid Narrative is a controlled one.  

Scientists are censored and public debate by scientists and doctors is prevented.  


Is there a secret agenda to which health and lives are being sacrificed?"