Monday, August 23, 2021

From the UK: "Is science finally coming to its senses about vaccine?"


"It's only a glimmer of hope as yet, but we just might be seeing the beginning of the end of the psychotic episode surrounding Covid-19 which has afflicted the worlds of science and medicine. 

Last week, BBC News ran a story by their science editor, ‘Is catching Covid now better than more vaccine?’

in which UK health officials questioned their American counterparts’ push for booster shots for all adults. 

Although the headline was quickly changed to ‘Covid: What’s the best way to top up our immunity?’ the cat was out of the bag:

you get a broader immune response from being infected with the virus than from the vaccines, whose effectiveness is increasingly in doubt.

Thousands of Covid cases are in vaccinated patients. Israel, once hailed as a success story because of its high vaccination rate, now has one of the highest infection rates in the world.

We also learned last week that those fully vaccinated carry the same amount of virus as the unvaccinated when they become infected, calling into question the whole idea that those who have not had the jab are putting others at risk.

According to a Twitter post by a US medical equipment representative who interacts widely with health managers, the Biden administration has made a ‘spectacular’ mis-judgement on booster shots.

If it persists, it will face a national health crisis with both vaccinated and unvaccinated workers ‘leaving in droves’.

‘Most hospital systems and surgery centres in New Jersey have mandated the vaccine by mid-September or October,’ he wrote. 

‘Before this week, the vaccinated were loudly vocal in their condemnation of their peers who were refusing the vaccine.

With this week’s announcement pushing boosters, many of the vaccinated see that these mandates will soon threaten their jobs if they refuse one, two, or 15 boosters.

This has caused a seismic shift in thinking and attitude in just a few days.’

A psychosis is a severe mental disorder which causes abnormal thinking and perceptions.

People with psychoses lose touch with reality.

And that is exactly what seems to have occurred during the past 20 months.

It all began with a cover-up of the genetically engineered origin of the Covid virus. 

Then, panic-stricken health scientists and government advisers persuaded themselves that it was in our best interests to lock down society,

keeping us away from the open air, sunshine, schooling, work, social contact and normal medical care that keep us well.

Lockdowns also caused unimaginable economic damage.

In the UK alone, additional public spending of £400billion is attributable to Covid – £15,000 for every household. 

Life-saving vaccines were said to be conveniently coming to our rescue, through the genius of our scientists, even though a patent trail shows them to have been decades in preparation.

Millions were persuaded to take the jabs, along with promises that they would both save lives and set us free. 

We now know, however, that they are linked to widespread deaths and injuries, despite continuing claims by government officials seeking to justify the billions spent on them that they are ‘safe and effective’ products.

TCW Defending Freedom reported an early warning of the dangers, almost universally ignored, when an intensive vaccination campaign was accompanied by an unprecedented wave of deaths among elderly people in Gibraltar. 

Since then, evidence has continued to mount that the jabs may be causing a major health disaster, as spelled out in different ways, but with the same theme, in several recently posted videos.

This graphic description of what happens in the body following a Covid jab is narrated by Dr Charles Hoffe, a Canadian family doctor in a small town in British Columbia.

He raised concerns last April after one of about 900 patients to whom he had given the Moderna vaccine died following the shot.

Six others have what is known as reduced effort tolerance, which means they get out of breath much more readily than before. 

Hoffe believes this is a result of the vaccine causing thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs to become blocked.

The condition means the heart has to work harder to get blood through the lungs, risking cumulative heart and lung damage with each successive shot.

His town had no Covid cases, leading him to conclude that ‘this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than Covid-19’.

Hoffe says each dose of the Moderna vaccine causes trillions of Covid virus ‘spike’ protein molecules to be produced in the body.

As these circulate, they can become lodged in blood-vessel walls.

Circulating blood components detect the damage, and cause microscopic clots. 

These are undetectable by conventional means, but recent clotting activity can be picked up by a test called D-dimer, which measures a protein fragment produced when a blood clot dissolves. 

‘I have been doing this on my patients, finding people who’ve had the Covid shot between 4-7 days previously.

I’m still trying to accumulate more information but on the ones I have so far, 62 per cent have evidence of clotting.

It means that the majority of people are getting blood clots that they have no idea they’re even having.’

Hoffe’s claims are supported by German microbiologist and immunology specialist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired professor who with other doctors and scientists formed the campaigning group Doctors for Covid Ethics.

Bhakdi says here that as well as the initial clotting problem, antibodies produced against the spike protein can also cause harm, potentially activating latent illnesses such as shingles, lupus, herpes, Epstein-Barr, and tuberculosis.

‘I am worried sick that the world is being goaded into taking something into the body that is going to change the whole face of medicine,’ he says.

Another striking video highlighting similar concerns is of evidence given by eminent New York doctor Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko last week to a rabbinical court in Israel, where more than 240,000 people have now received a third shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Fact-checkers have dismissed the clotting concerns.

One said the vaccines ‘make harmless copies’ of the spike protein, an assertion which flies in the face of facts presented here, here and here.

A second said a high D-dimer reading could be caused by the body reacting as intended to the vaccine, and would not necessarily mean blood clotting. 

The UK’s health regulator MHRA continues to insist that vaccination is the single most effective way to reduce Covid deaths and severe illness from Covid-19,

and that while all vaccines and medicines have some side effects, the expected benefits far outweigh any currently known side effects.

It says that as with all vaccines and medicines, the safety of Covid vaccines is continuously monitored and benefits and possible risks remain under review.

It contrasts the 1,500 deaths reported in the UK in the wake of the Covid jab with the 132,000 deaths said to have occurred within 28 days of a positive test for the virus. 

US regulators maintain a similar stance.

Official figures show 600,000 adverse event reports following Covid jabs, including 13,068 deaths and 81,050 serious injuries,

although the true figure is several times higher according to sworn testimony by a whistle blower from inside the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)."