Saturday, August 21, 2021

"Americans Stopped, Beaten on Way to Kabul Airport as Biden Claims They're Having No Problems"


"Joe Biden just gave more remarks on Afghanistan that were just delusional and devoid of reality.

He is now claiming that they’ve secured the airport and that the U.S. military is “standing guard around the airport” and that there’s no problem for Americans or allies to get to the airport.

We have no information that Americans are having difficulty getting to the airport, Biden said.

Where there have been challenges for Americans, we resolved them, he claimed.

Completely ignoring the question about the safety of the allies, where there have been innumerable reports about them not being able to get through to the airport.

But as Sasha Ingber of Newsy explained, it’s not even reality as to the Americans.

She explained that the situation was deteriorating rapidly and Americans are being stopped and beaten.

    .@scottdetrow just asked Biden about Americans getting to HKIA, the airport in Kabul. The president continues to say Americans have been unimpeded by the Taliban. This is utterly false:— Sasha Ingber (@SashaIngber) August 20, 2021

    A source tells me, “Situation [in Afghanistan] is rapidly deteriorating… We’ve had Americans get beaten throughout the night.” One of them, an American woman, was beaten “twice” even though she was carrying a U.S. passport.  — Sasha Ingber (@SashaIngber) August 20, 2021

    Chaos “at all gates” in Kabul right now. Taliban gunfire, beating people. I’m messaging with an interpreter who is there, trying to get into one of the gates. All gates are closed because the airfield is currently at max capacity, I am told.       
— Sasha Ingber (@SashaIngber) August 20, 2021

    Yesterday @PentagonPresSec said Americans are not being impeded as they travel to the Kabul airport, no Americans harmed. The Taliban agreed to let them evacuate. What I am hearing suggests otherwise. Americans have been injured and stopped from boarding planes.
    — Sasha Ingber (@SashaIngber) August 20, 2021

This is horrible that you can’t even trust your own president as Americans and allies are in danger to even tell you the truth.

Biden told so many lies in his remarks today it was hard to even keep up to them and we’ll be dissecting that more today.

But in terms of whether they were going to stay past August 31 to get Americans and the allies, he said, “We’re going to make that judgment as we go.”

In other words, despite what he’s saying, come that date, a lot of folks are going to be left."