Friday, July 27, 2018

What are my sources for political news?

A reader asked 
this question,
so I will answer:

I get most of my news online,
on a variety of websites,
with some pro-Trump
and others anti-Trump.

If there is a "neutral" source
of news online, I have 
yet to find it.

On TV we try watch 
the ABC evening news
from 6:30 to 7:00,
with David Muir,
who my wife thinks
is handsome, but I think
he has a huge head.

Muir's show has a pro-Democrat
bias ... and as a balance,
we try to watch 
at least 30 minutes of
Sean Hannity on Fox News,
whose show has 
a pro-Republican bias.

If there is a good movie
on Turner Classic Movies,
we'll skip the news.

I used to favor MSNBC & CNN
when Bush was president,
and Fox News
when Obama was president,
because they try harder
to dig up dirt when 
the president in not
from their favored 
political party.

have changed.

After Trump was elected,
MSNBC and CNN became
so biased anti-Trump
that I can't watch 
either of them
for more than 
a few minutes: