Friday, April 6, 2018

Obama, Justice Dept. and FBI all teamed up against Trump

Text messages between 
FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok 
and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page 
revealed involvement 
of Denis McDonough, 
Obama's chief of staff, 
John Brennan, Obama's CIA director, 
and former Senate Majority Leader 
Harry Reid working to create
an atmosphere of paranoia 
that gave them the excuse
to launch the Russia probe 
in the summer of 2016.

Investigators who leaked the information 
to Fox said the texts between Strzok 
and Page "strongly" suggest 
coordination between the White House, 
two independent intelligence agencies, 
and a Democratic Congressional leader. 

That contradicts the Obama administration
claims of non-involvement.

A text message from Strzok to Page 
on August 3, 2016 described former 
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe 
as being concerned with
"information control" 
related to the initial investigation. 

Coordination between 
political appointees 
at the White House 
and DOJ investigators 
would cast doubt 
on the entire Russia probe, 
Fox's sources said. 

August 30, 2016, 
Strzok texted Page: 
"Here we go," 
sending a link to 
a NY Times report titled, 
"Harry Reid Cites Evidence 
of Russian Tampering 
in U.S. Vote and seeks FBI inquiry."

The texts also detail 
the Bureau and Brennan's role 
in feeding information to Reid, 
which inspired him to write a letter 
to the FBI demanding an investigation 
be launched. 

That letter was later leaked to the press. 

The Reid letter, Fox said, 
provided political cover 
for the bureau 
when it tried to justify 
launching an investigation 
into Trump as early as July 2016.

The texts provide the clearest sign 
yet into the Obama administration's role 
in helping get the Russia probe 
off the ground in an attempt to roadblock 
Trump's administration, all the while 
Obama chose to do nothing 
about reports of Russian attempts 
at election interference.