Thursday, January 18, 2018

2018 first update on the "Trump Dossier" and Fusion GPS

Hillary Clinton’s campaign 
bought a fake FusionGPS 
opposition-research document, 
(written by Christopher Steele, 
who was paid over $100,000
by Fusion GPS)
now called the "Trump Dossier", 
which was sold to Hillary Clinton,
perhaps along with other 
opposition research on Trump,
for about one million dollars,
and which Fusion fed to the Obama FBI, 
which then used It 
to get a FISA warrant 
to spy on the Trump campaign !

Two GOP Senators recently 
asked the Dept. of Justice 
to launch a criminal probe 
of Christopher Steele, 
the ex-MI6 British spy 
who was the author 
of the Trump dossier, 
which served as
the primary reason for the
Russian collusion probe.

Senator Dianne Feinstein 
recently ran around 
her Republican colleagues on
the Senate Judiciary Committee
and unilaterally released 
the full 312-page transcript
of the committee's 
closed-door interview 
with Glenn Simpson, 
co-founder of Fusion GPS.

This followed a day after
a Fusion GPS' demand
in a New York Times
op-ed, that the full transcript 
be released.

The Senate Judiciary Committee 
had interviewed Simpson 
back on August 22, 2017 
as part of its investigation 
into Russia's election interference.

Chuck Grassley, 
the chairman of the 
Senate Judiciary Committee, 
said the transcript 
needed to remain confidential 
while the panel was interviewing 
other witnesses.

"Her action undermines 
the integrity of the committee’s 
oversight work and 
jeopardizes its ability 
to secure candid 
voluntary testimony 
relating to the independent 
recollections of future witnesses."

Fusion GPS was obviously
much more interested 
in aligning future DOJ 
witness testimony 
with its own claims, 
than it was with an
honest investigation !

Simpson, a former journalist 
who co-founded Fusion GPS, 
denied strongly in the interview 
that the dossier was phony.

Simpson said he asked Steele 
at one point in summer 2016 
if he’d ever heard back 
from the FBI following 
an initial July meeting with them:
“because it was obvious 
there was a crime in progress.” 

Simpson said the crime 
he was referring to 
was “espionage 
-- they (Russians)
were hacking into 
the computers 
of Democrats 
and think tanks.”

Fusion was initially hired 
by conservative website, 
Washington Free Beacon, 
during Republican primaries 
to dig up dirt on Trump. 

Later in the 2016 
presidential campaign, 
Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton 
and the Democratic National Committee 
paid Fusion GPS through a law firm 
for research that resulted in the dossier.

In the August interview, 
Simpson and his lawyer, 
were asked repeatedly 
who commissioned research 
into the presidential candidate, 
but refused to name them.

Simpson also refused to answer 
questions about people 
who provided information 
to Steele. 

When Simpson was asked 
to detail the steps 
Steele took to verify 
his sources’ credibility, 
his lawyer stopped 
the questioning.

The 35-page Dossier
got fake information 
from Russian contacts 
and falsely concluded 
that Russia 
had been “cultivating, 
supporting and assisting” 
Trump for at least five years 
and fed his campaign 
“valuable intelligence” 
about Hillary Clinton.

According to the transcript, 
Steele said he 
approached the FBI 
because he believed 
there were security issues 
involving national security:
 Steele also said 
he went to the FBI, 
worried that Trump 
was being blackmailed

After Senator Dianne Feinstein 
leaked the transcripts 
of Fusion GPS co-founder 
Glenn Simpson's 
Congressional testimony
she tainted every 
future witness, 
because they 
can read the 
Simpson / Fusion
to make sure 
their testimony
agrees with it.

The 312-page transcript says: 
"somebody's already been killed" 
as a result of Buzzfeed 
publishing the dossier, 
according to Fusion co-founder 
Glenn Simpson's attorney

The FBI had a "human source" 
within the Trump campaign:
thought by many to be 
former Trump advisor 
George Papadopoulos, 
who reportedly told 
Australian diplomat 
Alexander Downer 
at a London bar 
in May, 2016 that 
"Russia had political dirt 
on Hillary Clinton." 

Christopher Steele 
reported back to Fusion GPS 
that the FBI found 
his information credible 
because it had corroborated 
information from a Trump source. 

Glenn Simpson also told 
Congressional investigators 
that the FBI already had 
a relationship with Steele 
due to his role 
as a British MI6 agent, 
which may have 
boosted his credibility 
with the agency

Steele stopped dealing 
with the FBI 
after becoming concerned 
that the agency 
"was being manipulated" 
by "Trump people." 

The first dossier memo 
containing the "pee pee" 
claims was unprovable 
and not unusable. 

Simpson denied 
employing any other 
Russian-speaking individuals, 
while having hired Nellie Ohr 
- the wife of demoted DOJ official 
Bruce Ohr, who is fluent in Russian.

Fusion gave information 
to Bloomberg, New York Times, 
Wall St. Journal, "probably" Reuters, 
and Legal 360.

Senator John McCain 
allegedly became involved 
with Fusion after the election.

After being denied 
a copy of the transcript, 
Fusion GPS attorney Mr. Levy 
requested it be kept confidential. 

Months later Simpson asked 
that the transcript be released 
in a NYT op-ed.

Why the sudden effort 
by Democrats and the media 
to give build up the
alleged noble purpose
of he Steele dossier? 

January 3, 2018, 
was the deadline 
House Intelligence Chairman 
Devin Nunes 
gave the FBI
to turn over documents 
it had been holding 
for months. 

Speaker Paul Ryan 
backed Mr. Nunes’s threat 
to cite officials 
for contempt of Congress.  

The day before the Nunes deadline, 
Fusion co-founders Glenn Simpson 
and Peter Fritsch 
broke their public silence 
to explain in a New York Times 
op-ed that what really matters 
was their noble intention 
- to highlight 
Donald Trump’s 

The duo took credit 
for alerting the 
“national security community” 
to a Russian “attack.”

Dianne Feinstein, 
ranking Democrat on the 
Senate Judiciary Committee, 
decided it was suddenly 
a matter of urgency 
that the nation see 
Mr. Simpson’s testimony, 
which he gave 
back in August 2017.

That move provided 
the cable news channels 
with more than 300 pages 
of self-serving anti-Trump

Mr. Simpson 
praises the integrity 
of dossier author 
Christopher Steele 
(a “Boy Scout”), 
professes his love of country, 
and his distaste for Russians.

The media and Democrats 
are trashing Senator's
Chuck Grassley 
and Lindsey Graham 
for their criminal referral 
of Mr. Steele to the
Justice Department. 

Grassley and Graham 
must have found something
after the FBI reluctantly made 
key documents available to them. 

The FBI must have known
they had a problem, 
so were concealing it 
from Congressional 

If Mr. Steele was 
a "professional",
then why was spreading 
national-security “intelligence” 
through the media? 

If Mr. Simpson was 
so worried for his country, 
then why did he spend months 
dodging congressional requests 
for testimony, and refuse 
to name his client?

If Mr. Steele was 
confident enough 
in his dossier 
to give it to the FBI, 
then why has he ducked 
every congressional request 
to explain his work ? 
... even before 
Mr. Grassley’s claim 
to have credible evidence 
that Mr. Steele
lied to the government.