Monday, October 24, 2016

Haiti Hates the Clinton Foundation !

Have you heard Hillary Clinton bragging about how much the Clinton Foundation helped Haiti recover from 2010 earthquake?

She was lying.

Now you can hear the truth.

Former Haitian Senate Bernard Sansaricq says it was the Clintons who benefitted most from the Foundation's "charitable work" in Haiti. 

Appearing on a radio show last week, Sansaricq said the Clintons' are "nothing but common thieves ... and they should be in jail." 

Per PJ Media:

Sandy Rios of American Family Radio interviewed former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq on Thursday.

It was President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who put the Clinton Foundation in charge Haiti reconstruction, but the money all went to friends of Bill Clinton.

Sansaricq said the Clinton Foundation received $14.3 billion dollars in donations.

"They are nothing but common thieves," the enraged Sansaricq told Rios. "And they should be in jail."

Sansaricq argued the Clinton's brought their pay-to-play tactics to Haiti,  enriching Clinton cronies, including Hillary's brother Anthony Rodham, whose company was awarded a very rare and lucrative gold mining contract.

Sansaricq said Bill Clinton did nothing but give contracts to his cronies and he built a sweatshop next to a gold mine that was given to Hillary Clinton's brother, Anthony Rodham, in violation of the Haitian constitution.

He said the Clinton Foundation destroyed rice production in Haiti because they were importing rice from Clinton cronies in Arkansas.

The Clintons awarded the country's only cell phone company to another crony, Denis O'Brien, using taxpayer dollars.

O'Brien made $265 million, and a substantial portion went back to the Clinton Foundation.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Republican National Committee, and shared with ABC News, reveal very open special treatment of "Friends of Bill" ("FOB" for short) by the State Department in granting access to $10 billion in US emergency aid for Haiti spent after the 2010 earthquake.

The emails showed close coordination between Caitlin Klevorick, a senior State Department official, and Amitabh Desai, the director of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation, as they exchanged emails from Clinton Foundation donors who wanted to participate in the Haiti recovery efforts. 

Many Clinton Foundation donors were looking to capture their "fair share" of $10 billion of emergency aid contracts doled out by the U.S. government. 

The following exchange between Klevorick and Dasai, with the subject line "Haiti Assistance," shows the State Department very clearly asking for "Friends of Bill" to be flagged for special consideration.

“Need you to flag when people are friends of WJC (Bill Clinton),” wrote Caitlin Klevorick, then a senior State Department official who was juggling incoming offers of assistance being funneled to the State Department by the Clinton Foundation. “Most I can probably ID but not all.”