Tuesday, November 1, 2022

WAYNE ROOT: Is the Paul Pelosi Story the New Jussie Smollett Fraud, or the New Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal?

 "And no alarm went off? And there’s no video footage multiple angles both outside this very special home, and inside? The husband of the woman who is 2nd in line of succession for the presidency had to call 911 like any mere mortal? Really? He didn’t have any private security inside the home, or waiting right outside? If so, who opened the door for police? Or was Paul Pelosi doing what he always does when Nancy was away- with private security in attendance? We all know JFK was involved in many illicit extra-curricular activities inside the White House- with Secret Service protecting him and covering up for him at all times. So, was Paul’s security detail on premises? If so, why didn’t they protect him? When Paul Pelosi called 911, why did Paul say he knew the man and his name was David? Isn’t that odd to know the name of your attacker and mention it to a police dispatcher? By the way, how did the attacker allow Pelosi to go the bathroom and make that call?"