Monday, October 24, 2022

Myth busted: VAERS is NOT "overreported"

 NOTE: No one knows what percentage of serious Covid vaccine adverse side effects actually get reported to VAERS.  I am sure that a large majority are not reported.  In studies of VAERS I have read estimates of up to 10% of adverse side effects reported.  Most vaccine side effects are minor, such as a sore arm for a day.  I imagine a huge percentage of those minor side effects do not get reported.  If I had a Covid vaccine and got a sore arm, I wouldn't report it if the pain was gone the next day. 

My own very conservative estimate is that 10% of serious adverse side effects get reported. Then I make a huge adjustment -- I assume 2 of every 3 serious side effects are just coincidences.  Every day of the year elderly people have to be hospitalized, or die, for a huge variety of reasons. If a person dies within a few weeks after a Covid vaccine, and that death is reported to VAERS, that does not prove the vaccine caused the death. Only an autopsy could prove that, and there have been very few of those. Suspiciously few autopsies. That's my two cents.  

I believe author Steve Kirsch is grossly over estimating deaths caused by Covid vaccines. But I have read enough good Kirsch articles that I can't be sure he is wrong.

We would both agree that the adverse side effects reports do make it obvious the Covid vaccines are, by far, the most dangerous vaccines in history.  In addition, all-cause mortality and excess mortality data in many nations provide no evidence that Covid vaccines have saved lives. That means Covid vaccines are not safe and not effective.  Ye Editor


Myth busted: VAERS is NOT "overreported" (