Monday, October 31, 2022

"Let's Get Out Of NATO": Discontent Soars Across Europe As Russian Sanctions Backfire

 "In early September, we first noticed a wave of discontent sweeping across Europe as tens of thousands of people took to the city streets to protest soaring electricity bills and the worst inflation in decades. Some countries delivered relief packages to citizens to tame the anger, while other countries did not have the financial capacity to hand out checks.  Tens of thousands of people have marched across metro areas in France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Germany -- many of them are fed up with sanctions on Russia that have sparked economic ruins for many households and businesses -- but also very surprising, support for NATO's involvement in Ukraine is waning. "

"Let's Get Out Of NATO": Discontent Soars Across Europe As Russian Sanctions Backfire | ZeroHedge