Monday, June 6, 2022

New posts on my ECONOMIC LOGIC blog and CLIMATE SCIENCE blog today (June 6, 2022)

 Please click on the (blue) title to read the article:

Similtaneous Energy Crisis, Food Crisis and Inflation Crisis -- Joe Biden Has No Answers, by Michael Snyder


As food prices soar with no end in sight, Americans change habits


American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009, Oil Prices Climb and Gas Prices Break Records


Short term indicator AAII Sentiment declined to Moderately Bullish (but my seven market timing indicator average remains Bearish) -- 0% cash recommended for traders


Important data from the May 2022 employment report


Summary of Climate News From Last Week, by H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.


My road trip in an electric car was a nightmare


California Needs More Water Infrastructure to Ease Shortage, Says Expert


Poor distribution of land-based weather stations


The Many Uses for Oil


Monday Morning Climate Rap: Climate Change is 99% politics and 1% science


Electric Grid with more renewables = higher electricity prices (California - first chart, Australia - second chart)


Climate Dissonance: Ocean Warming or Cooling?


Electric Vehicle Prices Rise as Battery Costs Increase


March 2022 Driving 2% More Than Before the Pandemic 


The War Against The Automobile -- The Automobile Won


The goal of consensus climate "science" is to fool people -- the goal of this blog is to convince people they've been fooled