Saturday, June 18, 2022

New posts on my ECONOMIC LOGIC and CLIMATE SCIENCE blogs today, June 18. 2022

 Off to a very late start today:  My 2009 Apple MacBook Pro laptop that cost about $2000 in 2009, failed to start up.  Today's brand new 14" HP laptop was only $170 at Best Buy this morning.  Not much memory, but I always used a flash drive anyway.  At that price I'm amazed it turned on when I first pressed the ON button. Then I had to spend an hour transferring my favorite bookmark URLs from my flash drive to this computer, one at a time. If there was a faster way, I had no idea how  Ye Editor

 Please click on the (blue) title below to read the article:

Financial Data and Economic News for the week ending June 17. 2022


The Democrats' Capricious Energy Policy Has Been a Disaster


Researchers: Wood Burning Unsustainable, Huge Footprint…”Will Accelerate Warming For Decades”
