"Remember how bad our economy and backward our human values were before we became socialistic and woke? Me either. Who could have possibly imagined (or dared to wish for) the changes we have witnessed in less than two years?
After all, didn’t America vote for a “uniter,” someone who would simultaneously rally our nation in noble wars against ravages of white supremacy, fossil energy and climate change all at once?
Come to think of it, I haven’t really noticed all that much national unity lately.
Not like those nostalgic days before prevailing multicultural pride and patriotism were corroded by divisive victimization politics.
Isn’t it disturbingly ironic to witness a nation that has fought a terrible Civil War costing more than 600,000 lives granting freedom for all disparaged by its own president as systemically and irredeemably racist?
Or then also to see top elected officials endorse indoctrination of impressionable young minds with repugnant critical race theory and revisionist 1619 Project American history that paints individuals as either “oppressed,” or “oppressors,” based upon inherited skin color?
There’s perhaps little wonder why parents are vehemently opposed to having age-inappropriate sexual content introduced to kindergarten and elementary school children, or why there might be a public outcry over authorization of their government’s top Department of Defense official to have such protests investigated as prospective domestic terrorism acts.
Then again, who really are those white supremists President Biden has asserted the DOJ claims to be “the most lethal threat to our homeland?” Having never met one, or knowing anyone among my retired FBI pals who has even seen one, they must indeed be a very secret band of desperados.
Are they the ones who caused a couple billion dollars damage burning down buildings, destroying historic statues, looting stores, and leaving more than 700 police officers wounded during the 2020 “summer of love?”
And why do a vastly disproportionate number of crimes seem to be happening in progressive Democrat-controlled cities?
Of six notable examples for rising homicide rates, including Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and Indianapolis, victims in each were disproportionately Black, and all but two had cut police budgets through defund movements.
This is occurring at a time when the same administration is inviting Mexican cartels to deliver fatal narcotics, juvenile sex slaves, and unvetted illegal immigrants — including known terrorists — across our open southern border to a neighborhood near you.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in South Texas reported a 1,066% 2021 fiscal year increase in fentanyl seizures, a deadly drug which, along with other synthetic opioids, led to more than 71,000 American deaths last year.
With no thanks to Biden actions halting wall construction and rescinding Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy that exempted most aliens from arrest and deportation, Border Patrol agents encountered more than 220,000 migrants at the border in April … the highest number reported since 2000.
More than 1 million encounters have already been reported so far this year, while 1.7 million were reported in the entire year of 2021.
This catastrophe that will worsen if the Biden administration succeeds in reversing a Trump-era Title 42 program which allows patrol officials to turn away migrants premised on its obviously contradictory claim that a COVID health crisis is no longer in effect, while simultaneously arguing that airline passengers should continue to wear masks.
Meanwhile, wasn’t the mother of all threats supposed to be fossil-fueled climate change Armageddon? How’s that war going, and who are the real casualties?
Seems to me that we are the ones getting the worst of it, while climate isn’t benefitting a bit.
The Northern Hemisphere was just as warm, or warmer, two thousand years ago during the Roman Warm Period when sandals became fashionable, and again, a thousand years ago during the Medieval Warm Period when Eric the Red and his Nordic Viking band raised sheep and goats on Greenland’s coastal grasslands.
These events occurred long before the advent of the Industrial Revolution invented fossil-fueled smokestacks and SUVs. Since then, temperatures have been up and down, but overall, the past century has seen negligible difference … nothing like the theoretical climate models predicted.
And no, if anyone bothers to check the records, extreme weather events have not become either more frequent or severe.
Very recently, less than two years ago, the U.S. was energy independent, and fuel-dependent commodity prices — including gasoline and diesel — were affordable.
Since then, diesel prices which filter through to food costs as ships, trains, trucks, tractors and other farm equipment have more than doubled to more than $5 a gallon since late 2020, and average gasoline prices now seems headed for that same record level by the end of this year.
These cost hikes are due in large part to increased freight demand in combination with reduced refining capacity.
Natural gas prices have hit a 14-year high, a condition that can only worsen as the U.S. has now committed to sell limited supplies of liquid natural gas (LNG) to Europe to reduce Russia’s stranglehold on their self-inflicted gas pipeline and “green energy” dependence.
Following Germany’s failed Green Party model, Joe Biden’s war on fossil energy which provides about 80% of all U.S. electricity (compared with a paltry 4% from wind and solar combined) contributed to raising power costs by 11.1% last year. This extra expense (and unreliability) will hit this summer’s California homeowners who already pay 80% more per kilowatt-hour than the national average.
Destructive Democrat energy policies add to the costs of virtually everything that must be grown, manufactured, and transported to American consumers.
But wasn’t that consequential inflation “bump” — now at 8.3%, compared with 1.4% when Biden took office — supposed to be “transient,” something we could simply spend our way out of by printing lots of paper-cheap money?
Well … maybe not after all, with no signs of any government spending policy relief that would end the misery as hundreds of million helplessly watch the value of their paychecks and retirement savings evaporate.
Nor can Progressives credibly blame that skyrocketing inflation on Vladimir or COVID. Economic recovery from pandemic shutdowns took a major blow thanks to the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion March 2021 spending bill, and inflation was already at 7.9% when Putin invaded the Ukraine.
Those lame excuses for grocery and gas pump grief aren’t fooling most of us. A March Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that 64% of likely U.S. voters believe Biden administration policies are the main causes.
Welcome aboard your Progressive pleasure cruise to Paradise on U.S.S. Titanic."
Author Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 11 books, "Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints: Pioneering the Space Frontier" co-authored with Buzz Aldrin (2021), is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.