"Luke Rosiak has been paying close attention to the race-hustlers making money going into American schools and teaching children that Whites are evil and Blacks are the victims of this evil. On Tuesday, he posted a few Twitter items that expose some of the worst grifters pushing these toxins into the American system — and making lots of money doing so.
First up is Glenn Singleton, who founded the Pacific Educational Group:
The attached docs show the actual bizarre stuff schools are teaching about "whiteness" -- hundreds of districts pay to have these racist old booklets brought in.
PEG's founder Glenn Singleton is a major part of my book on schools because this firm has had extraordinary influence. — Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) June 14, 2022
The attached tweet from Ian Prior about what PEG does is a little hard to read, so let me digress to show that thread here, just so you can understand what’s going on in many American classrooms:
"Whites are taught to see themselves as individuals, rather than part of a racial group." CRT is anti-individual liberty and full on race-based Marxism. It's also false and racist to claim that only white people see themselves as individuals.
— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022

That point is about anti-individualism is important: these are collectivists who dream of a Maoist nation in which the government controls everything; they (of course) are on top; and they, like all the nomenklatura in a socialist system, become billionaires.
The rest of Ian Prior's posts show how desperate these race-hustlers are to destroy all the traits that led to American liberty and economic success — which, incidentally, led to liberty and a pathway out of poverty for large parts of the world:
"Must always 'do something' about a situation." Again, isn't that a human trait to try and solve a problem? CRT falsely claims that only applies to "whiteness." False and racist.— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022
"Intent counts." CRT values impact over intent. Do CRT proponents believe in eliminating the intent requirement someone to be guilty of a crime? That is terrifying. /6— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022
"Respect authority." Again, that's just a "whiteness" thing? False and racist. And do we want a society where people don't respect authority? Seems . . . dangerous.— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022
"Nuclear family (father, mother, 2.3 children is the ideal social unit)" CRT proponents say the quiet part out loud - they want to break up the nuclear family. Also assumes that the nuclear family is only a characteristic of "whiteness." False and racist. /10— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022
"Emphasis on scientific method." So are gravity, the theory of relativity, and the ideal gas law a symptom of "whiteness." Should we not use the scientific method when performing surgery? Or trying to cure cancer? /11— Ian Prior (@iandprior) June 14, 2022

Here are two other bizarre, dangerous women who have gained tremendous control over children's education and become quite wealthy in the process:
Here's another "Consultant to Know" -- one who married a child molester, thinks math is racist, and wants to maintain a racial gap.— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) June 14, 2022
Tracy Castro-Gill is an especially strange and damaging person. In another essay, Rosiak has described her in some detail, including the fact that this deluded, angry woman was honored for quite a long time in the Seattle public school system:
In June 1997, a 36-year-old child molester named Brian Gill was released from a Washington state prison after serving time for repeatedly abusing his eight-year-old cousin. Gill spent his days immersed in a computer game called Second Life, where players create idealized images of themselves and interact with others' false personas. There, he met a woman named Tracy, who was fourteen years his junior. Tracy's avatar became the "submissive" to Brian's "dominant" in violence-tinged online sex games.
At the time, Tracy was a married stay-at-home mother of three, but she left everything behind, including her children, to run off with Gill. Tracy then got a master's in education and became a substitute teacher in Seattle. There, she became obsessed with "white supremacy."
She also had a new identity. "I am Xicana, chingona, and pissed off." In this world, she was the hero. Teachers gravitated toward her as she laid out an inspiring story. She told of an impoverished childhood, abandoned by a Hispanic father.
None of this was real, her father Rick Castro told me. He and his wife, Rita, had provided for Tracy a conventional, stable middle-class upbringing. Rick eventually earned a six-figure income, and Rita was a stay-at-home mom.
The closest Tracy came to that Latina (or Xicana) identity is that her father is a half-Hispanic man born in Long Beach.
"Remember Rachel Dolezal, that lady a few years ago who pretended to be black? That's exactly what this is," he said, referring to a white woman who became an NAACP official while identifying as black, also in Washington State.
That's crazy, but the narrative only gets crazier as Tracy gains custody of her daughter, moves the child in with Brian Gill, the convicted child molester, tries to force transgenderism on her daughter, and becomes a DEI power broker in the school system. Crazy...and horrifying.
The people Roziak identifies have been given incredible power in America's schools. They are shaping how our children view the world, themselves, and each other. If this doesn't stop very soon, there will be no turning back. When elections roll around, those school board seats that most of us paid little attention to for years may be the most important items on the ballot."
You can read more in Luke Rosiak's new book, Race to the Bottom, which I haven't read but sounds excellent.