Monday, May 9, 2022

Mark Levin: The New York Times 'worse than fake news'


"Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin said the New York Times' coverage of the Holocaust and more has made it "worse than fake news" on "Life, Liberty & Levin."

He shared Dr. David Wyman's finding that ordinary Americans were not more responsive to the suffering of European Jews in the Holocaust partly because probably most of them did not know about the German dictator's extermination program until 1944 or later.

The Fox News host read from his book, "Unfreedom of the Press," claiming the New York Times "almost always" buried Holocaust-related news in its inner pages.

"Surely the New York Times, with its wide reach, resources, access to foreign sources of information, reputation as the foremost newspaper in the country, large Jewish readership and its Jewish ownership would do everything possible to investigate and disclose the horror of Jewish genocide," Levin said. "But the opposite was true."

When evidence of the Nazi extermination of European Jews went public in November 1942, the media mostly ignored it in the weeks following.

Then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt usually held press conferences twice a week but failed to say a word about the genocide of European Jews for almost a year, he claimed.

"The mass media treated the systematic murder of millions of Jews as though it were minor," Levin said.

In more recent years, the Times has pushed a "radical agenda," making it "an extremely destructive force in this country and outside this country."

"It's worse than fake news. It tried to take down an elected president, Donald Trump. It tried to push him out of office, supported both impeachments, supported criminal investigation, still supports these various prosecutors who are investigating the former president. And on and on and on. 

[It has also pushed] [t]he 1619 project, which seeks to undermine our nation's history."