Wednesday, May 18, 2022

It Took The FBI Less Than A Day in 2016 To Discover The Trump Russian Conspiracy Theory Was Bogus

On this blog in late 2016, I said Donald Trump did not collude with Russia or anyone else. He could barely collude with the Republican Party! Trump is a one-man band -- that is one of his personality faults. In early 2017, I wrote that it was obvious the Russian Collusion hoax was a dirty campaign trick by smarmy Hillary Clinton or her campaign staff. That was over five years ago. Those deliberate lies were used to "investigate" a President for the next four years, led ny the nastiest woman in politics, the horrible Nancy Pelosi. That's how low the Democrats have sunk. Hillary Clinton was always that low, and in 2016 she pulled the rest of the Democrats into the gutter with her.
Ye Editor


"An FBI agent said Tuesday that it took him and another agent “less than a day” to determine the allegation about former President Donald Trump having ties to a Russian financial institution was false and pushed by Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman.

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Hellman said “it took him and another agent less than a day to ascertain the data and ‘white papers’ on two thumb drives Sussmann gave Baker did not support the Trump-Alfa Bank ‘secret connection’ allegation,” according to The Epoch Times’ national affairs reporter John Haughey. Hellman was on the stand during the first day of Sussman’s trial for allegedly lying to the FBI.

    Hellman said it took him and another agent less than a day to ascertain the data and “white papers” on two thumb drives Sussmann gave Baker did not support the Trump-Alfa Bank “secret connection” allegation.

Sussman is on trial for telling FBI General Counsel James Baker months before the 2016 election. Sussman claimed that he wasn’t working for “any client” when he presented him with “white papers” and purported data that were supposed to show Trump had a “covert communications channel” with Russian-tied financial institution Alfa Bank.

The indictment against him states he was working for the Clinton campaign and Tech Executive-1, not independently.

John Durham, the special counsel appointed by the Trump administration to review the Russia investigation, asked Sussman to be indicted for the alleged falsehood in September of 2021.

Hellman did an examination of the “white papers” and thumb drives for any hacking before putting them through a “technical review” and cross referencing them.

Hellman concluded that the data showed there was no “secret connection” between Trump and Alfa Bank and “whoever had written that paper had just come to conclusions not supported by the technical data,” according to Haughey.

The FBI general counsel also said “the methodology they chose was questionable” and “it just didn’t make sense to us. Why would a presidential candidate put their own name on a supposedly secret domain name?” Haughey said.

Trump has sued Clinton and Sussman, among other Democrats, for “malicious” allegations that his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia. He is seeking $24 million in damages.

“Seeking to thwart Trump’s campaign and to diminish the likelihood of him winning the election, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC devised a nefarious scheme to discredit, delegitimize and defame him by proliferating a false narrative that Donald J. Trump and his campaign were actively colluding with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential Election,” the lawsuit states."