Monday, May 16, 2022

2022 Elections: Time to Hide Joe Biden's Car Keys, by Professor Larry Bell


"There sadly comes a time when it’s no longer safe for old Uncle Charlie, Auntie Agnes, or for the rest of us, to have them drive anymore. Seriously, would you really trust Joe Biden to operate any heavy equipment — a car, or much less, a school bus?

Now imagine the terrifying reality of his continued operation of our nation’s massive military and economic machinery. Yeah, I know what you’re probably thinking. We have no choice because his handlers want to keep it that way … the ones who put him behind the disconnected steering wheel of a driverless car they programmed to only steer left. That’s true, of course, at least up through the 2022 midterm elections so long as Democrats control both houses of Congress.

Nevertheless, concerned citizens can do much in the meantime to curb potentially irreversible disasters until such time that frighteningly evident cognitive collapse or the 2024 electorate consign Joe to a belated retirement.

Primary Those Who Endorse Reckless Spending

First, let’s allow far-left Democrats and card-carrying members of their socialist party wing to fail all by themselves without help from so-called “Republicans” who vote along with them for budget-busting inflationary policies that most egregiously impact middle and lower income citizens.

With no thanks to a $1.9 trillion blowout in Democrat spending, America is experiencing four-decade-high skyrocketing inflation, now at 8.3%, compared with 1.7% inherited from Trump a mere year and a half ago when Biden took office.

And don’t buy any Biden blather that blames this on Putin. Inflation had already reached 7.9% when Russia invaded Ukraine. Driven additionally by record gasoline and diesel fuel-related farming and transportation costs, food prices rose even higher, up 9.4% over last year.

A big majority of likely voters recognize where the true fault lies. According to a Fox News poll conducted April 28 to May 1, 61% disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, and his numbers on inflation are even worse with 67% negative.

Remember that Republicans who vote along with his administration take up precious and likely losing congressional seats that should be filled with others who represent pragmatic conservative principles and constitutional foundations that established this great nation.

Work to Demand Election Security

Momentous impacts of the November elections would ideally suggest that both sides of the political divide would wish to ensure fair and honest candidate information and vote-counting.

This being the case, a distressing fact finds that a majority of the American electorate dispute mainstream media proclamations that “the most secure election in history” catapulted Joe Biden from his basement campaign bunker to the Oval Office catbird seat.

An October 2021 Rasmussen Reports survey found that 56% of respondents said, “It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”

It’s also an inconvenient fact that the same media disclaimed the authenticity of murky Biden family foreign influence peddling information revealed on Hunter’s “laptop from hell” until after the election.

A Media Research Center-sponsored survey of 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states found that one out of six (17%) would have voted differently had they been aware of this shielded information … enough to have shifted outcomes in favor of Trump in six of those critical states.

Concentrate Informed Persuasion on Open Minds

A favorite bit of wisdom that I have sometimes been known to violate advises not attempting to teach pigs to sing. Doing so wastes valuable time and energy, while only serving to annoy the pigs.

With due apologies for any unseemly porcine analogies to those who disagree with opinions expressed in this column, I will simply observe that our country is more divided along political lines than any time in personal memory.

And perhaps imperfectly quoting a defense of any offenses expressed by renowned philosopher and Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, whereas I reserve the right to remain silent, I lack the discipline to do so.

The key here, is to first do our best to get available facts straight before attempting to persuade others that our opinions have supportable content and merit. This requires critically vetting the reliability of information sources and statements, whether or not we agree with nearly inevitable biases. Only then can we defend our own expectations that others should trust us.

Protect America’s Future Brain Trust

Each of us can have influential information-sharing and value-shaping roles within our local communities, within our friendship and acquaintance circles, and most particularly within our schools and families.

Parental monitoring of COVID-shutdown-response remote K-12 learning has revealed disturbingly divisive neo-Marxist critical race theory (CRT), anti-patriotic revisionist 1619 Project American history, and age-inappropriate sexual materials that are being indoctrinated into impressionable, innocent young minds.

Tragically, President Biden has promulgated such destructive concepts with repeated claims that America is a systemically racist, white supremacist country. As such, he promotes racial division under the contradictory guise of benefiting "diversity and inclusion."

Biden also misrepresented Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” legislation which the left falsely branded as “Don’t Say Gay” bill as “hateful.”

Nowhere in that bill does the word “gay” appear.

The relevant text responsibly says: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

A harsh reality is that we can’t trust Joe Biden’s cognitive capacity and far-left-steering ideology to drive our nation’s future.

Our best hope to prevent his out-of-control vehicle from careening our country over cliffs of irreversible disaster is for midterm congressional elections to sweep away the keys."

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 11 books, "Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints: Pioneering the Space Frontier" co-authored with Buzz Aldrin (2021), is available on Amazon along with all others.