Studies of VAERS have estimated that only from 1% to 10% of adverse vaccine side effects will ever get reported. For a better estimate, triple the reported numbers shown below ... to add unreported side effects, and delete reported side effects that may be coincidences, not caused by the vaccines.
Every other estimate I've read is higher than mine.
For my estimate of the actual number of side effects, I start by multiplying the numbers above by 10, assuming only 10% are reported. And then I assume a large two thirds of serious injuries are coincidences. (The COVID Liars want people to believe these reports are all coincidences, making their beloved COVID shots a leading cause of coincidences.) My estimate is lower (more conservative) than virtually ever other estimate I've seen.
The result is that I multiply the reported numbers by 3.3x. I believe my common sense adjustment will provide a decent estimate of reality, KNOWING that significant under reporting is almost certain. Ignoring all VAERS data because they are incomplete makes no sense.